  • 學位論文


指導教授 : 游進年教授


摘要 本研究以臺北市立雙星國民中學為個案,首先探討雙星國中在存有升學壓力的國中階段,實施彈性學習節數達成共識的歷程,並?明其實施內涵,分析其優點、缺點與特色;其次了解雙星國中校長、行政人員、教師、學生與家長在實施歷程中所扮演的角色與影響性;最後從實施期程和參與人員兩個不同軸線來分析其所遭遇的困境與因應策略。根據個案分析結果,獲致主要研究結果如下列: 壹、雙星國中彈性學習節數實施以行政主導模式由上而下採民主機制達成共識 一、校長主導理念並依學校需求規劃先期方向。 二、學校課程發展委員會決定彈性學習節數的實施。 三、少數認同彈性學習節數理念教師,努力設計可行的實施方案。 四、多數教師以保守心態回應,被動完成交辦任務。 貳、雙星國中彈性學習節數實施內涵具多樣化與獨特性 一、主題式教學提供教師發揮專業自主空間。 二、校外教學延伸學習場域,活化知識經驗、增進學生學習效益。 三、啟發教學模式的影片賞析,能有效整合生命教育與特殊教育等議題。 四、生涯教育活動充分運用社區資源,提供學生親身體會職場經驗機會。 五、社團活動提供學生多元發展機會,培養一技之長。 ?、參與人員隨角色不同各有不同影響性 一、校長堅持課程改革方向,具關鍵性的效果。 二、兼任行政教師發揮溝通、合作與執行的功能。 三、教師具規劃主題式教學活動能力,對教學成效有關鍵性影響。 四、學生扮演學習者與回饋者角色,影響力有限。 五、家長扮演支持者及被告知角色,其影響性不大。 肆、雙星國中面對彈性學習節數實施困境大多可由學校主動尋求解決策略因應 一、以實施期程而言是從理想性較高的課程藍圖逐漸修改為可行課程方案的歷程 二、彈性學習節數實施困境 1.兼任行政工作之中小型學校教師,上課節數多於大型學校行政人員,工作負荷大。 2.教師擔任行政意願不高,行政人員輪替率高,不利經驗傳承。 3.校內人事不穩定不易提前籌劃,倉促行事影響課程品質與成效。 4.行政人員與教師在角色分工理念上的落差,造成權責不清。 5.彈性學習節數的實施,額外增加教師的教學工作負荷。 6.彈性學習節數的實施,相對排擠學科補充教學時數,教師教學進度壓力大。 7.中小型學校教師排配課彈性不足,不易排定彈性學習節數師資。 8.升學主義盛行,家長對彈性學習節數的實施仍存有疑慮。 9.教學成效與學生學習表現非短時間可以呈現。 三、面對困境的因應策略 1.校長明確界定目標,過程中隨時檢核、檢討與修正。 2行政人員充分配合,並給予教師明確作法。 3.行政人員勤於溝通,凡事循序漸進、謀定而後動。 4.行政人員先投入帶動,再激發教師熱忱。 5.敦聘校外學者專家、引進專業指導,以提高說服力與成效。 6.以理念凝聚團隊共識,並落實執行所形成的共識。 7.激勵教師能高瞻遠矚,秉教育愛無怨付出。 8.教師透過自我省思確立目標,並於實施過程中隨時評估檢討改進。 9.學校利用學校日等時機,向家長說明彈性學習節數實施內涵與精神。 10.說明基本學力測驗趨勢為學習生活化,教學活潑化、多元化有助學生學習。 11.鼓勵家長參與課程實施的相關活動。 依據本研究分析討論與所歸納的結論,提出下列建議供雙星國中、臺北市國民中學、教育行政主管機關與未來研究參考。 壹、 對研究學校的建議 一、校長應發揮關鍵性引領力量,確保課程有效實施。 二、學校應先穩定人事,並追求更精緻化的活動。 三、學校應激勵教師由下而上發揮創意,整合課程內涵。 四、學校應建立課程資源中心,鼓勵教師進行教育研究。 五、學校應落實課程評鑑機制。 貳、 對臺北市國民中學的建議 一、 七年級實施多元內涵的彈性學習節數是可行的。 二、 彈性學習節數的實施需先取得校內共識,由熱心教師率先投入再帶動風氣。 三、 彈性學習節數的實施應考量教師感受,循序漸進謀定而後動。 四、 彈性學習節數的實施務必事先規劃完善,並建立基本流程。 五、 彈性學習節數實施主導模式可視學校狀況交互運作。 參、 對教育行政主管機關的建議 一、建議教育行政主管機關合理調整學校兼任行政教師授課節數。 二、建議教育行政主管機關應致力於改變社會大眾以升學為主、成績至上的價值觀。 三、建議教育行政主管機關應強化教師課程實施職責。 肆、 對未來研究的建議 一、 擴大研究對象。 二、 增加研究主題。 關鍵字:彈性學習節數(flexible learning periods)、個案研究(case study)


Abstract This research takes Taipei municipal Twin-Star Junior High School as a case study. The purpose of the study is to probe into the constructive process of practicing “Flexible Learning Periods” at the junior high school stage under the pressure of the doctrine of entering a higher school and then to delve into the context of implementation and analyze the advantages, disadvantages and characteristics of Flexible Learning Periods. Secondly, from the study we can understand the role and influence of the school principal, the administrative personnel, teachers, students and parents who act in practicing Flexible Learning Periods. Finally, the study explores the predicaments and coherent strategies caused by analyzing the two different axes: practicing process and participants. According to data analysis and discussions of this case study, the following conclusions are reached: Twin-Star Junior High School implements the Flexible Learning Periods by adopting the top-down democratic mechanism to reach the common understanding. First, the school principal plans the direction in accordance with the demands of the school. Secondly, the courses development committee makes the policy of implementation of flexible course schedule. Thirdly, few teachers who agree to Flexible Learning Periods help design the applicable scheme elaborately. Fourth, most conservative teachers are passively assigned with accomplishing the task of practicing Flexible Learning Periods. Twin-Star Junior High School’s Flexible Learning Periods possesses the diversities and uniqueness in the practicing process. First, the teachers can show out the professional ability by designing the teaching activities, and offer students the way of diverse studies Secondly, outside-school activities extend the field of learning, activate the students’ knowledge experience and promote their study effects. Thirdly, watching the instructive films can combine the career education, the life education, etc. Fourth, the career education utilizes community resources fully and offers the students the chance to experience the professional world in the job market Fifth, the association activities offer the students diverse developments, and train their specialties. Participants with different characteristics and roles will have different influences First, the school principal has the key influence by acting as a guiding and insistent leader. Secondly, the administrative personnel play the role of communicators and cooperative executors. Thirdly, teachers who act the part of teaching planners and cooperators have the important influence on the teaching effects. Fourth, students act the learners and roles of feed-backers, and their influence is limited. Fifth, parents act the role of being notified and supporters, and their influence is also limited. The predicaments of practicing Flexible Learning Periods at Twin-Star Junior High School can be solved most of the time with seeking tactics by the school itself. First, the implement process can be fulfilled gradually from ideal blueprint to revise to practicable implementation Secondly, the predicaments of practicing Flexible Learning Periods includes: 1. The administrative personnel in the medium and small-scale schools have more teaching periods and heavier burden than the ones in the large-scale schools. 2. Most teachers are reluctant to be administrative personnel 3. The administrative personnel are not steady, so the result will influence on the administrative quality. 4. The duties are not clear because of the differences of thinking about the work division between the administrative personnel and teachers. 5. The practice of Flexible Learning Periods puts more loads on the teachers. 6. The practice of Flexible Learning Periods occupies the teaching periods to make the teachers have the pressure of running the teaching schedule much faster. 7. The range is less flexible owing to the courses arrangement and divisions in the medium and small-scale schools. 8. Parents are worried about the implementation of Flexible Learning Periods because of the doctrine of entering a higher school. 9. The teaching effects and learning performance of the students can’t be seen in the short time. Thirdly, the solutions to the practicing predicaments: 1. The principal should confine the goals clearly, check the process and revise it at any time. 2. The administrative personnel should give the hopeful teachers definite ways and support them. 3. The administrative personnel should have better communication skill, think carefully and work on things step by step. 4. The administrative personnel should be involved first and innovate other teachers’ enthusiasm 5. The professional experts should be invited into the school and advancing the persuasion of practicing Flexible Learning Periods. 6. The common consensus of the school team should be conformed by the same ideas and be fulfilled practically. 7. The teachers can be innovated to be provident and farseeing to contribute love without complaint. 8. The teachers must be reflective to set up the goals by themselves, and check the practicing procedure and improve it at any time. 9. The administrative personnel explain the meanings and contexts of Flexible Learning Periods to the parents on School Day or at any other right time. 10. The administrative personnel should explain that the students will learn better because the trend of the BCTEST(Basic Competence Test)is towards learning lively and diversely. 11. The parents should be encouraged to take part in the activities of Flexible Learning Periods. According to the above analysis, discussion and conclusion, the following suggestions are proposed: Suggestions on the experimental schools First, the principal should have the most important influence of guiding to make sure of practicing Flexible Learning Periods. Secondly, the administrative personnel should be stable to design more exquisite activities. Thirdly, the teachers should be stimulated to bring out creation and design more courses from bottom to top. Fourth, the teachers should be encouraged to carry on educational researches. Fifth, the mechanism of the course evaluation should be set up. Suggestions on other schools First, the experiment of Flexible Learning Periods on the grade 7th students in junior high schools is practical. Secondly, the common consensus of practicing Flexible Learning Periods should be formed first. Then the hard-working teachers can be encouraged to take part in it and influence on others. Thirdly, the teachers’ feelings should be considered and the procedure of practicing Flexible Learning Periods should step by step gradually. Fourth, the practicing of Flexible Learning Periods should be planned well and carefully to set up a basic process. Fifth, the leading model of Flexible Learning Periods can be interacted according to the school situations. Suggestions on the administrative authority of education First, the teaching periods held by the administrative teachers in the large, medium and small-scale schools should be the same to reach the fairness and avoid the vicious circle. Secondly, the people's values of taking entering a higher school as the first priority should be changed. Thirdly, the teachers’ duties on course leading should be strengthened. Suggestions on the study in the future First, the research objects can be expanded. Secondly, the themes of the study can be increased. Keywords: flexible learning periods、case study


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