  • 期刊


Teachers' Empowered Model for On-job tTraining


本研究的目的在探討教師進修模式變革之可能,教師如何透過進修而能夠增能(empower),進而使教師的專業更能落實到每日的教學工作中,使教學實務工作者即研究者的理念確實的實現。現行的教師進修模式多半停留在灌輸與填鴨的「接收模式」(receiving model)有能力、有專業者為傳授者,將其專業與能力傳授給他人(能力、專業較低者),傳授者往往是專家、學者,接收者則為中小學教師(基層教育工作者、實務工作者)。接收模式所表徵的角色分配對於新世紀的教育發展是一種障礙,限制實務工作者成為主宰自己專業工作的任務。本文探究研習主辦者如何與教育政策或改革方案共同來理解、詮釋與探究教師進修的問題處境,從實際的行動中發展轉變問題的可能性,並從實踐想法的歷程中使問題轉變。從接收模式變革後的教師進修模式可以稱為「增能模式」(empowerment model),在增能模式的研習過程中,教師不再是接收者,他們必須展現一個實務工作者的專業,實務工作者必須從認識自己的教學困境為出發,並從實際的計畫中找尋解決問題的資源、設計提昇能力的方案,同時,實務工作者也開拓對教育問題的認識,提升解決教育困境的能力,更重要的是,教師不再「仰賴」專家來提昇自己,他們體認與理解唯有自己是可以仰賴的。


This research is to explore the possibility of an empowered model of on-job training for teachers in primary education. The basic intention for this model is to propose a knowledge base derived from teachers' practical work in everyday life, the actualization of teaching practice is the realization of research work.This paper makes a critique on the traditional model of on-job training, which pervades nowadays in Taiwan. This model proposes a give-and-take way of training, by which experts in pedagogy are scholars or researchers in university, they are regarded as 'higher power' of knowledge resources, and the trainee, while their practical knowledge bases are regarded as nothing , must receive those detached knowledge from the 'experts', and learn to ignore their own resources.Through the on-job training activities, the new model facilitates the teachers' involvement in exploring their own situations: and through the exploration the model asks the participant teachers to gain the power of self-explanation or understand their situations in their own terms. When teachers are aware of their own responsibility in 'how the ways it is as a predicated teacher', they have to work it out by actively proposing any action plan, which may lead to possible solution for their practical predicament. Teachers gain a new sense of self-leading, also they must recognize that their own practical knowledge base is worth y of trust, they are reassured that their practical experience would be more valid than experts' knowledge. Through both active learning and research, this empowering model predicts that participating teachers will be more confident in themselves and more self-reliant in the future.


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