  • 期刊


Instructional Unit Design and Creative Problem Solving as Strategy of Teaching


目前教育改革最關注的問題,應是教師在教學上的範式如何轉移,以配合教學目標的改變和教學設計的多元化,從全方位的角度去編排學生的學習活動,以及如何擴闊他們的經驗領域。談到亞太華人地區的教學實踐,「單元學習」(Unit of Study)的概念似未生根,很多時教師在課程的編排上仍以每一課節作單位,或每週數「節」去完成教科書內的一「課」或一「篇章」。其實,學校的課程觀念,不應再停留在斬件式的課堂教節,而應充份利用「單元」的主題概念去作出科目內容和學習活動的增刪,考慮到教材的深度、廣度與多樣化的性能、學習活動背後的理念、和活動與活動之間的連繫、學習內容之間的銜接等。至於單元目標方面,除學科的學習目標外,亦該加入一些共通能力,例如促進學生的觀察力、形象記憶力、想像力、擴散與聚合思維、批判思維,以至決策能力等,而創造力與創造思考的培育,更是廿一世紀課程改革的最新目標。本文提出要增進創造能力,最有效的方法是利用單元的教學去達成目的,活動的設計須講究程序,採取循序漸進地探討問題,尋找資料,解決疑難,刺激學生獨立思考,提出多種適切的答案,讓學生去逐步體驗創意問題解決(Creative Problem-Solving)的過程,學生有機會以真實經驗去感受這個解難歷程,定必有意外的驚喜,而過程中對疑難作出個別的、新穎的解決方案,無疑就是一個創新的教學取向。為了闡釋這種創新的教學策略,本文提供了幾個教學示例,其成功之處主要不在教學的本身,而是在單元的活動中得以親身體驗解難的過程,這過程大致分為六個階段:(一)發現困惑,(二)蒐集有關資料,(三)界定問題,(四)尋找意念,(五)尋求解答和(六)選取認同的途徑。運用創意解難單元教學,旨在從不同的角度誘發學生對教學內容加以思考,提出的問題,隨而解釋和探究所得資料,更重要的是幫助他們界定問題,讓學生自己設法尋求解決本身已界定的疑難。創意問題解決的教學策略,就是提供一個有系統性的解難方法,其中採取擴散性與聚合性的思維,互相交替運用,讓學生在不同的學科學習活動中誘發主動性的思維技巧。在教學評估方面,學生的反應和接受程度是一個重要關鍵,因此,課後所獲得的學生意見,將對教師的教學目標和教學取向產生極大的影響,亦會對教師教學的效能作出反饋,從而改進有關的單元設計,或把成功的教學經驗傳移到其它科目的單元設計之中。


When we discuss Chinese pedagogy in the Asia-Pacific region, the notion of ”Unit of Study” can hardly come to terms. Curriculum organization seems to remain as a ”potpourri” approach, where bits and pieces of subject content are put together in a lesson, or multiples of lessons, without a holistic development into an organic ”unit”.This paper emphasizes the design of an instructional unit, taking in consideration the depth, breadth and multi-dimensional features, theory behind activities, linkage from activities to activities as well as scope and sequence in organizing the teaching content. The unit objectives should include both subject learning objectives and generic skills for independent learning. To illustrate the design of a unit of study in a systematic manner, an innovative teaching strategy using Creative Problem Solving (CPS) is introduced.Several teaching exemplars are presented to demonstrate the need for organic unity of the curriculum to facilitate learning and effective delivery in teaching. The success of these cases lie not on the act of teaching, but on the activities which provide authentic experiences for the students in the process of problem solving. The process is basically divided into six steps: 1) mess finding, 2) data finding, 3) problem defining, 4) idea identifying, 5) solution searching and 6) acceptance soliciting. To adopt CPS as a strategy of teaching is to aim at inducing students to think from different perspectives, using divergent and convergent thinking inter-changeably to derive at the best possible solution. It should be noted that students' feedback and their degree of acceptance are the key determinants in the evaluation of curriculum design. Based on a highly evaluated unit plan, teachers may transfer their successful teaching strategy onto other unit design for other subject instruction.


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