  • 期刊


A Study of Positive Teacher Efficacy Among Elementary School Teachers


本研究旨在探索國小高效能感教師之效能感來源及其教學行為特徵,透過教師效能感量表與他人薦舉方式,以南部地區12 位高效能感國小教師為研究對象,並以不斷分析比較法作為訪談資料蒐集與分析的策略。研究發現成功經驗、師生互動、楷模仿效、社會支持,以及個人特質信念等,皆是受訪教師之效能感來源。其次,受訪教師會因個人能力與教育理念、學生資質與家長反應等考量,展現出適性化、重視品德陶冶及技巧性的教學行為特徵。最後,根據研究發現提出以高效能感教師作為推動教師專業成長之人力資源與後續研究建議。


The purpose of this study was to explore the sources of efficacy beliefs and teaching behavior characteristics related to positive teacher efficacy among elementary school teachers. Twelve teachers from southern Taiwan with high teacher efficacy scores, who were nominated and recommended by colleagues, were invited as interviewees. Constant comparative method was used to analyze collected data. The findings were twofold. First, the sources of efficacy beliefs of participants included mastery experience, the relationship between the teacher and students, role models, social support, and personal qualities. Second, in consideration of individual teaching ability and beliefs, student qualifications and their parents’ responses, adaptive and skillful teaching behaviors that cultivated students’ morality were teaching behavior characteristics reported by the participants. Based on the above results, discussion and implications are provided for using positive teacher efficacy to promote teachers as a human resource and for their professional development as well as for further study on this topic.


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