  • 期刊


Using Ecological Livelihood Activities to Integrate Environmental Education Issues into Teaching: The Example of a Mini Tour to Five Way House in Feng-Tian Village, Hualien


跨域整合、生活實踐、環境永續(SDGs)是台灣各階段教育關注與積極實踐的課題,本文以台灣偏鄉社區所發展之學習案例為主軸,解析如何將在地的生活、生態與生計融入環境教育議題的課程與教學中,並透過「鄉村教育小旅行」的操作,擾動與促成社區資源的轉換與跨區域學習社群的建構。本文先從台灣的環境教育現況切入,釐清「議題融入」在學校課程與教學實務面的處境,提出了地方本位環境教育(place-based environmental education)的理論路徑,並以批判民族誌和行動研究為研究方法,探究一種重視生計面(livelihood)的環境教育發展,以回應鄉村地區的特性與低社經孩子的處境,使學生其從這個學習歷程中獲得「翻轉」的機會。這是一個學校型態教育與非學校型態實驗教育協力的案例,既回應一〇八課綱中「議題融入」的挑戰,更促成了十二年國教所期望達成的「共好」行動。


Cross-domain integration, life practice, and environmental sustainability (SDGs) are topics of concern and active practice within Taiwan's education recently at various stages. This study uses developing learning cases in a rural community in Taiwan as an example to explain the achievability of the two broad targets: (1) the integration of local life and ecology, and of livelihood with environmental education curriculum and teaching; and (2) a stirring up of the conversion of community resources and promotion of the construction of cross-regional learning communities through the operation of "rural education trips." An outlining of the current condition bound with environmental education in Taiwan was first introduced. Then a clarification about the situation of "integrating social issues in instruction" in school curricula and teaching practice followed. Next, a proposal on a theoretical approach to the place-based environmental education under a critical ethnography and action research was applied to explore how an environmental education development could be emphasized with the livelihood. It is a development to respond to the characteristics of rural areas and the situation of children from low socioeconomic backgrounds, in order to get those students to be "lifted" through the learning process. This case study integrating the school-type education with a non-school-based experimental education, which not only responds to the challenge of "issue integration" in the new Curriculum Guidelines in Taiwan from 2019, but also contributes to the "common good" action expected by its 12-Year Basic Education.


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