  • 期刊


Study of Environmental Education Management Based on Sustainable Development Perception- Toushe Peat Soil Basin Leisure Agriculture Area


氣候變遷議題涉及人與環境的衝突繼而引發諸多社會問題,聯合國永續發展目標(Sustainable Development Goals, SDGs)認為教育是改變與創造美好未來的契機。我國針對環境議題的討論,除了有教育界的努力外還有許多凝聚高度共識的社區團體,以永續發展的實際行動規劃當地社區之發展目標。本研究範圍日月潭頭社活盆地休閒農業區(Leisure Agriculture)位處魚池鄉日月潭國家風景區內,轄區內生態與地質獨特,自然環境與特色農業等資源豐富。為瞭解社區發展生態觀光結合環境教育(Environmental Education)議題之永續經營潛力,本研究運用質性訪談收集日月潭頭社活盆地在地居民共識,盤點調查周邊環境資源,透過環境分析與SWOT/TOWS策略矩陣分析,獲致日月潭頭社活盆地休閒農業區的內外部優勢、劣勢、機會與威脅,再進一步以環境教育觀點擬定最佳永續經營策略規劃,促進當地休閒農業發展利用生態與地質環境資源,規劃融入十二年國民基本教育課綱之環境教育議題,亦帶領具有獨特在地性的深度體驗導覽的活動和生態觀光與食農教育(Agri-food Education)遊程,對休閒農業區永續發展與營運有顯著助益。


Social issues between people and the environment lead to climate change issues. United Nations Sustainable Development Goals believe that education is an opportunity to change and create a better future. In the discussion of environmental issues in our country, there are many community groups that use the Sustainable Development Goals as their guide to plan community development projects. The research is Sun Moon Lake Toushe Peat Soil Basin Leisure Agriculture Area in Nantou County. The region has a diversity of ecological environments and unique geological landscapes. In order to understand the sustainable management potential of leisure agricultural eco-tourism and environmental education issues, the researcher tried to use qualitative interviews to collect the opinions of local residents and investigate the surrounding environmental resources. Through environmental analysis and SWOT/TOWS strategy matrix analysis, understand the internal and external strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats of Toushe Peat Soil Basin region. Further formulate the best sustainable management strategy plan from the perspective of environmental education of Curriculum Guidelines of 12-Year Basic Education. As a result, the unique local in-depth experience guided tour and ecological sightseeing of Agri-food Education tour have played a significant role in promoting the sustainable development and operation of the leisure agricultural area.
