  • 期刊


Prevalence Rates of Areca/betel Quid Chewing in Counties of Taiwan


為瞭解台灣地區各縣市檳榔嚼食率,本研究於民國九十年,針對台灣地區23縣市及原住民地區進行家庭訪視,完成問卷調查。研究設計乃以抽樣調查方式,採分層多階段集束抽樣調查法 (stratified multi-tage cluster sampling) ,抽樣機率以等比隨機抽樣(probability proportional to size, PPS design)方式,針對台灣地區 21縣市、台北市、高雄市及3個原住民地區共26個區域,調查年 滿十八歲(含)以上成年人嚼食檳榔及抽菸狀況。研究結果共回收 11723份問卷。統計分析以SUDAAN軟體進行,由結果發現,台灣地區嚼食檳榔盛行率方面曾有嚼食習慣者(每星期至少有一天嚼食一顆以上)為11.2% (男性20.9% '女性1.2%) ,而目前仍在嚼食者為8.5% ;由此推估台灣地區現有18歲(含)以上嚼食檳榔人口 約有120萬人左右。 目前仍有嚼食檳榔習慣之檳榔族,其主要之族群為男性佔了 93.7%、18-34歲(占48.1%、已婚者(占74.1%、高中教育程度佔了 44.2%、勞力工作者佔了84.1% ,同時其中86.6%也有抽菸的習慣,因此戒除檳榔的宣導計劃應與戒菸計劃同步以收事半功倍之效,也可避免因戒除其中某-項習慣而使另一項習慣加劇的狀況發生。 李蘭1996年的調查發現,成年人嚼食檳榔之盛行率為 10.9% ,與2002年之本研究結果( 8.5%)相較得知,嚼食檳榔盛行率有下降趨勢。同時各地也都有下降的趨勢,其中中部地區由原先的18.9%降為9.3% '降幅最高,其次是山地地區由44.0%降至 36.6% ,這顯示國人近幾年來的推廣戒食檳榔,已有改善之跡象。加強檳椰健康危害意識的宣導,這幾年來政府單位學者專家不斷地大力急呼,檳榔嚼食盛行率有下降的趨勢,這對推行檳榔戒斷的工作者而言是一大鼓舞,但仍有許多改善之空間待努力。


嚼食檳榔 盛行率 抽樣調查


The purpose of this survey was to investigate the prevalence rates of areca/betel quid chewing in counties of Taiwan. The survey was conducted during the year of 200l, and emphasized on the prevalence rates of areca/betel quid chewing within 23 counties/cities and 3 aboriginal areas. The study design was a stratified multi-stage cluster sampling with selection probability proportional to size (PPS). For all of the residents with age 18 years old and older, their behavior toward areca/betel quid chewing was collected. There were 11723 participants in this survey. The statistical analysis was conducted by SUDAAN software. It was found that there was 11.2% of the population with lifetime prevalence areca/betel quid chewing habit (men 20.9%, women 1.2%), and there were 8.5% of people having current chewing habit. It was estimated that 1.20 million population with current chewing habit. The major characteristics of people with current chewing habit included: 93.7% were men, 48.1 % were ages between 18 and 34, 74.1 % were married, 44.2% have high school education, 84.1 % were labors. In addition, there were 86.6% of areca/betel quid chewers also with cigarette smoking habit. It is recommended that the promotion of stopping areca/betel quid chewing, need to work together with stopping of cigarette smoking. The prevalence rate of current areca/betel quid chewing was 10.9% in 1996 by Lee's survey. Our result showed 8.5% revealing a downward trend. Considering different areas, the prevalence rates were also decreased since 1996. Especia11y, in middle area of Taiwan, the prevalence was l8.9% to 9.3%. It is encouraged that the promotion of stopping areca/betel quid chewing had shown improvement. Many of us will still need to work hard to reduce the prevalence rate.


何承容(2013)。接受合併化學及放射線治療之食道癌患者調適影響之研究- 復原力作用的綜合探討〔碩士論文,臺北醫學大學〕。華藝線上圖書館。https://doi.org/10.6831/TMU.2013.2013.00159
