

由於醫學科學的進步,使得人類平均壽命延長,故維持良好身體功能之器官的使用年限,亦必須隨之增加。然而,與攝取足夠營養,使體魄強健息息相關之口腔功能,其重要性更是不容置疑。為達良好口腔功能,其首要基本條件,便是建立正確口腔保健行為。所以,為瞭解台灣地區民眾口腔保健行為之現況,本研究於2001年間,針對18歲以上成年人,以分層多階段集束抽樣調查法( stratified multi-stage cluster sampling)進行抽樣調查。由訪員逐戶完成家庭問卷訪查,共回收11723份問卷,範圍包括台灣地區21縣市、台北市、高雄市及3個原住民地區等26個區域。 研究結果顯示,民眾最常使用之刷牙方式為橫擦法佔68.61%,其次為貝氏刷牙法佔41.66%。除牙刷之外最常使用的口腔清潔工具為牙籤佔51.15%,其次為牙線佔 40.17%。只有21.55 %民眾刷牙時間有超過3分鐘,44.42 %在進食後有漱口習慣,每天至少刷牙2次(包括晨起後與睡前)者佔74.41%,但有21.54%之民眾只在每天晨起後進行刷牙l次。平時有吃零食習慣者佔13.68%,口渴時主要選擇合糖飲料解渴者佔14.19%。 刷牙是維持口腔衛生最有效且最經濟的方法,但台灣民眾正確之刷牙觀念仍有待加強。高達6成以上民眾使用左右往返之橫擦法刷牙,其只能清潔牙面,而最易產生牙菌斑之牙齦溝與牙面間的部位,並無法得到有效清潔。再則,雖然有4成民眾表示使用貝氏刷牙法,但台灣之齲齒率仍居高不下,其民眾對於刷牙法的認知正確與否,需進一步深入探討。齲齒不但會改變發音的準確性,更影響口氣清新,阻礙人際關係發展。嚴重齲齒,還會降低咀嚼功能,引起腸胃道疾病。有一成多的民眾其吃零食習慣與口渴時主要選擇含糖飲料解渴,更是使得其口腔衛生雪上加霜。本研究期能藉由瞭解民眾口腔保健行為之現況,引伸出台灣地區口腔衛生教育發展之方向以及迫切性,並作為有關方面推廣口腔保健之參考。


口腔保健 行為 抽樣調查


The improvement of medicine has significantly prolonged human life. It is important to maintain all our organs in well functioning condition. Especially, human mouth is crucial to proper nutrients intake for a healthy body. Hence, to maintain good oral health condition, one has to have appropriate oral health care behavior. This study surveyed the oral health behavior by a stratified multistage cluster sampling for adults above 18 years old in Taiwan of 2001. There were 11723 questionnaire collected from 23 counties of Taiwan, Taipei City, Kaoshiung City and three aboriginal areas. Results showed that the brushing method that most people used was horizontal scrub method (68.6 I %), and followed by Bass' method (41.66%). The most used tooth cleaning tool was toothpick (51.15%), and followed by dental floss (40.17%). There were 74.41 % of people brushed at least twice a day in the morning and before going to bed, and 21.54% of people brushed once after waking up. People with habit of eating snacks were 13.68%. Those who chose to have sugar added soft drinks primarily when they were thirsty were 14.19%. Tooth brushing is the most effective and economic method to maintain oral health. Almost 60% of people used the horizontal scrub method to clean their teeth. This method can only clean the surface but not the interface between teeth and sulci. This study provided the present status of oral health behaviors and introduced the direction and urgency of oral health education in Taiwan. Further it could be the reference for the promotion of the concept of oral health maintenance.


oral health behavior survey sampling


王清雅(2009)。臺北市大安區某國中學生餐後潔牙行為及其相關因素之研究 --健康信念模式之應用〔碩士論文,國立臺灣師範大學〕。華藝線上圖書館。https://www.airitilibrary.com/Article/Detail?DocID=U0021-1610201315164482
王文君(2010)。國小高年級學童餐後潔牙行為及其相關因素研究 ~以台北市某國小學生為例〔碩士論文,國立臺灣師範大學〕。華藝線上圖書館。https://www.airitilibrary.com/Article/Detail?DocID=U0021-1610201315213301
