

在近幾年來因為政府與牙醫師團體極力的推廣口腔衛生,學童齲齒的盛行率有顯著的下降,但是還沒有完全達到WHO的要求,有可能是無法隨身攜帶潔牙工具,口香糖中所含的木糖醇無法被口內的細菌代謝產生酸,而且也可以減少口內牙菌斑與變異性鏈球菌(Streptococcus mutans)的量,進而可以防止齲齒的發生,攜帶上也很方便,因此可以當作是口腔衛生保健的一種選擇。


Recently, the government authorities and dentists are all promoting the oral health for the general public and children, and then the prevalence of the caries in school children is significantly reduced. But that does not reach the criteria of WHO. The possible explanation is that it could be due taking tooth-clearing tools were not convenient. Xylitol contained in the chewing gum can not be metabolized to acid by bacteria in oral cavity, and it reduces the amount of dental plaque and Streptococcus mutans. Therefore, it can prevent the development of caries. Beside that, it can be taken personally and conveniently. Thus, the xylitol chewing gum might be a option for oral health promotion.


Xylitol chewing gum S. mutans Dental plaque Caries
