  • 期刊

技專校院推動ISO 9000品質管理系統之方法與問題探討

The Study on the Method and Problem of ISO 9000 Quality Management System for College


教育部為提昇技職教育品質及提高行政效率,鼓勵各校辦理ISO 9000品質管理系統認證。本研究整理推動ISO 9000品質管理系統認證的實務方法,針對推動過程中所遭遇的問題及行政系統與ISO 9000品質管理系統的結合方法進行探討。技專校院在推動時應特別重視教育訓練課程的設計及落實,加強單位主管在推動的ISO 9000品質管理系統的管理責任,以減少推動阻力。建議文件管制中心的品質文件新增及修正工作由文書組管制。秘書室設內部稽核委員會,以確立內部稽核作業的合法性、正當性及權威性。稽核缺失由缺失單位提案,在行政會議系統中檢討改善。不召開管理審查會議,改為各一級行政單位於每學期開學前開會討論管理審查會議之5項輸入議題,會後應有管理審查會議要求之3類輸出,並做成會議記錄。如此,文件管制中心及內部稽核作業與行政系統結合,行政會議兼具管理審查會議之功能,可避免行政系統與lSO 9000品質管理系統兩套系統疊床架屋,消除員工對ISO 9000品質管理系統是外加業務的抱怨,將技專校院帶入具有國際水準的境界。


In order to improve quality of education of the college, the ministry of education encourages college to use ISO 9000 quality management system since 1999. This article discuses the method and problem of ISO 9000 quality management system in the College. The training courses for the staff and responsibility enhancement of the managers are the main objects for the ISO 9000 quality management system. In order to combine IS0 9000 quality management system and administration system of college, the Document Management Center (DMC) of ISO 9000 quality management system can be set up under the document department of college. The committee of inside verification can be set up under Sceretay's office to trace IS0 9000 quality management system was suitable keep. The meetings of administration included 5 input for the management and verification conference and 3 output of as the conclusion. The combination of ISO 9000 quality management system and administration can prevent complaining of extra work of carrying out IS0 9000 quality management system, which can improve quality of education of the college.


