  • 期刊


Strategic Management of Dynamic Capabilities in Non-Profit Sports Organizations


環境快速變遷下,社會價值多元發展,促使非營利組織興起,以滿足不同的社會需求。近年來,全民運動蓬勃發展,非營利運動組織扮演重要的輔助角色,其功能與政府、企業相輔相成,創造社會服務的價值。但因組織的數量種類繁多,影響政府及一般社會資源的分配,使其營運上面臨困難。故本研究目的嘗試以Teece, Pisano, and Shuen,(1997)及Teece(2007)提出動態能力理論架構有效提供組織,針對內外部所面臨的問題進行自我檢視,並建議非營利運動組織,藉由文獻分析研究方法,所得結語如下:一、辨識與發展組織核心能力;二、建立學習機制與最佳實務運作;三、優先強化目標市場的資源整合;四、個案研究進行更深入的探討及驗證。以上建議使組織運作更為彈性化,達成推展體育活動的使命。


The rapid pace of social change and the advance of diverse social values has prompted the proliferation of non-profit organizations to meet the varied needs of society. In particular, non-profit sports organizations have flourished recently. These play an important supporting and complementary role, creating valuable social services in conjunction with both business and governmental service providers. However, the increased quantity of service providers has also created operational difficulties, in turn placing strains on the allocation of government resources to society. The purpose of this research and literature analysis was to examine the dynamic capabilities framework of Teece, Pisano, and Shuen (1997) and Teece (2007) as a means of providing an effective organizational framework for addressing internal and external problems facing this problem domain. The resulting recommendations are: (1) identify and develop organizations' core competencies, (2) establish learning mechanisms to determine the best operational practices, (3) concentrate on strengthening the resources integration of the target market, (4) carry out case studies for a more in-depth discussion and validation of results. These suggestions will improve organizational and operational flexibility, thus enhancing their ability achieve the greater mission of physical education activities.


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