  • 期刊


Structure, Power and Revolution: Strategic Thought of National Governing Bodies in the Internet Era


在運動全球化的年代,隨著日新月異的互聯網科技發展,使用者趨於普遍,相應對運動組織衝擊日益加劇。本文目的在檢視臺灣單項運動協會組織結構及其權力構築的樣態,反思因應互聯網日興的變革策略。揉合相關研究論述、組織系統理論與臺灣運動的社會觀察等文本,進行論述探究,所得結果發現:一、單項運動協會在國內、外的運動治理,有著承上啟下的關鍵獨占性位置,若趨於保守且被動地面對互聯網時代,傳統組織結構較難融入時代發展。二、傳統組織權力運作具有高度進入與退出障礙,較重視合法權、獎賞權、強制權之正式組織權力運作型態,與互聯網高度強調透明快速訊息流通的扁平化特性,有所落差。三、因應互聯網的嶄新環境,變革的因應策略在於去中心化,具體做法包含:(一)組織結構應朝「資源整合平臺」的方向建構實體與虛擬環境;(二)組織權力可提高專家權、參照權、資訊權、關聯權等四類影響力的運作權重;(三)針對互聯網「去中心化」特性而著重於:1. 滿足使用者個別化的經驗。2. 匯串人流、物流、金流、知識流和活動流的體系。3. 創造利害關係人的多方需求連結。期使單項運動協會的組織結構與權力,通過策略變革,呼應時代需求。


The phenomena of common applied Internet by the growing population through technology innovation impact gradually on sport organization in the global world. Purpose: this paper aims not only to explore the organizational original structure and formative power of Taiwan national governing bodies, but also to reflect their revolution strategy owing to the prosperous Internet trend. This paper combines with related empirical studies, organizational systems theories, and the context of Taiwan environment to conduct the viewpoint and discussion. Results and findings: 1. Taiwan national governing bodies have been playing the monopoly role from a connecting link between domestic and international world regarding sport governance. If some national governing bodies take the conservative and passive attitude to face the challenge of Internet, these will be difficult to keep up with the changes of times. 2. Because the operation of these traditional sport organizations have higher barriers to entry and exit, and have more stress on the tropically formal items of legitimate power, reward power and coercive power, it exists a gap to fit the demand becoming a flat organization for Internet characteristics of rapidness, openness and transparency. 3. In response to the new environment of the Internet, the revolution strategy is decentralization, the specific approach includes that: (1) The design of organization structure should evolve as a resource integration platform to construct the both physical and virtual channels. (2) These national governing bodies can improve influential weight of the four types, such as expert power, referent power, information power, and connection power. (3) The strategies to implement the decentralization of the Internet features contain: a. satisfying the individual user experience; b. integrating the flow of personnel, logistics, finance, knowledge and events into a more comprehensive system; c. creating the demand connection among stakeholders. Through the strategic change, it is expected that the organizational structure and power of national governing goodies echo the needs of the times.


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