  • 期刊


Effectiveness of Intervention in Promoting Stair Use in Worksites and Public Settings




According to the World Health Organization, noncommunicable diseases are prevalent among the ten leading causes of death. Unhealthy lifestyle behaviors, especially physical inactivity, are the main contributors to common chronic diseases. Stair use seems to be an effective means of assisting individuals to achieve recommended levels of physical activity in daily life. Thus, we systematically review literature published after 2000 that examines the effectiveness of interventions to increase stair use. Of the identified studies, twenty-three eligible studies are included. Aside from one unpublished thesis from Taiwan, these studies were conducted in western countries. Among these studies, twenty-one report that poster/banner-based stair-use intervention can be an effective means of increasing stair climbing in public settings. Future research to investigate the effectiveness of stair use intervention in Taiwan is still needed.


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