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Behavioral Intention of Chinese College Students as Spectators at Track and Field Events: Validation of a Theory of Planned Behavior




Drawing on and extending the theory of planned behavior, this study aims to establish a model exploring the behavioral intentions of Chinese college students as on-site spectators at track and field events. An involvement variable is added to the model's 3 customary core components (attitude, subjective norm, and perceived behavioral control). The subjects of this study were 474 students from 13 colleges who were on-site spectators at track and field events. A questionnaire survey was conducted to examine the relationship between the antecedent variables for students' behavioral intentions and actual behaviors. Results indicated that: (1) The behavioral attitude and outcome evaluation, normative beliefs and motivation to comply, and control beliefs and perceived intensity significantly and positively influenced the model's 3 standard variables respectively. (2) The 4 variables significantly and positively affected students' behavioral intention. We conclude that: (1) The indirect method of measurement offers low explanatory power in this context. However, it highlights beliefs, which are the cognitive and affective basis for the model's standard components and are consistent with students' actual behavioral intentions. (2) The antecedent variables can be ranked by significance as follows: perceived behavioral control, involvement, subjective norm, and attitude. (3) The addition of an involvement variable to the model better explains students' behavioral intention. This research can aid in attracting young spectators to track and fie ld events, thus improving attendance.


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