  • 期刊


The Nursing Experience of Caring for a Patient with Body Image Disturbance




This article describes the nursing experience of caring for a 36-year-old unmarried male suffering from body image disturbance secondary to radical oral surgery and reconstruction. From March 15 to 28, 2014, through observation, interview, physical assessment, and medical record review, the author identified the following nursing problems: pain, impaired oral mucous membrane, disturbed body image, and hopelessness. During the nursing period, through attentive company and a good nurse-patient relationship, the patient was provided adequate care for pain relief. The patient was taught to maintain good oral hygiene to prevent infection. Through expression of internal feelings, the patient could accept the changes in oral appearance, structure, and function. The patient felt shocked and hopeless when he was diagnosed with oral cancer. The patient rebuilt a new close relationship with his girlfriend and received her support and encouragement and further reconfirmed his self-worth in life. The author expects that this care experience can serve as a reference for those caring for patients in similar cases.


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