  • 期刊


Concept Analysis of Occupational Fatigue




Occupational fatigue, also known as job fatigue is found to occur most prominently amongst professionals working in close interaction with clients, including medical staff providing direct physical care to patients. Fatigue in nursing staffs may lead to poor performance and medical malpractice which can adversely affect the safety of patients. Although the associated factors of occupational fatigue have been discussed, the systematic concept analysis of fatigue in nursing staffs is yet to be studied. According to the concept analysis proposed by Walker and Avant, the study aims to identify the characteristics of occupational fatigue by exemplifying typical, edge and contrary cases. The attributes and consequences of occupational fatigue can then be investigated by discussing the relevant empirical data. The results from the study can later be used to enhance the understanding of occupational fatigue among hospital administrators and nursing supervisors. Hence, they will be facing and inspecting the importance of fatigue then executing effective strategies to improve the working conditions for nursing staffs.


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