  • 期刊


Promoting the Nursing Instruction for Hemodialysis Patients with Hyperphosphatemia




血液透析 高血磷 護理指導


Consistent and comprehensive nursing instruction regarding prevention of hyperphosphatemia facilitates patients who have underwent hemodialysis. Analysis of the conditions revealed that nurses attained a 53.1% completion rate in nursing instructions due to insufficient knowledge, lack of continuous education, inadequate nursing instruction tools and materials, a lack of standard operating procedures (SOPs), and an audit/review system for relevant nursing instructions. Strategies for improvement were proposed as follows: providing continuous education regarding hyperphosphotemia, creating nursing instruction tools and materials, establishing nursing instruction SOPs, implementing practical simulation training, creating nursing instruction films, developing a case nurse system and reviewing nursing instructions . After implementing the strategies, the completeness Of nursing instructions increased from 53.1% to 96.5%. The percentage of nurses knowledgeable of hyperphosphatemia increased from 61.5% to 96.7%, with the percentage of outpatients with a serum phosphate level of 6.0 mg/dL or higher reduced from 30.7% to 19.3%, revealing that the improved and completed nursing instructions were conducive to reducing the serum phosphate levels of hemodialysis patients.


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