  • 期刊


Nursing Experience from Caring for a Terminal Gastric Cancer Patient




This article describes a caring experience of terminal gastric cancer patient who underwent physical, mental, and spiritual shocks facing terminal symptoms. Data collected from physical examinations, observation, discussions, and medical records inspection during the period of care from October 27 to November 16, 2016. "Gordon's Eleven Health Function Assessments" was applied to identify nursing problems such as comfort alteration, caregiver role strain, and fatigue. Nursing care includes relieving patient's physical discomfort through symptom control and intravenous nutrition support; apply cross-team intervention, combined with the care concept of tranquility and care, with listening, companionship and caring attitude. Empathy shown to patient who requires enduring the symptoms and pain of the final stage of the disease, and emotional support with soothe given to assist the patient's family to apply intravenous nutrition and the final preparation. The caring process made the author feels strongly about the ethical dilemma when providing artificial nutrition and water to the patient at the terminal stage, whether the benefits outweigh the disadvantages, and continues communication with the patients and their families to provide care in their best interest is the key to a successful care.


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