  • 期刊


The Nursing Care Experience of Applying the Watson's Caring Theory on a Patient with End-Staged Gastric Cancer




This article describes the nursing care experience of a patient complicated with terminal gastric cancer and metastasis. The patient suffered from the physical symptom distress, unpredictable disease's progression and the fear of death. The duration of nursing care was between of 1st to 8th April, 2014. The clinical data was collected and assessed by observing, interviewing, and physical examination. According to the holistic nursing assessment from physiological, psychological, social and spiritual dimensions, the patient's health problems included pain, fluid volume imbalanced, ineffective breathing pattern and fear of death. Based on the Watson's caring theory, the author developed helping-trusting caring relationships with patient and families in the nursing process. Promoting and accepting the expression of positive and negative feelings helped the patient relaxed in order to relieve pain, and improve edema. Cooperative with the health care team helped the patient with peace and dignity till the end of life. The nursing care experience can be seen as a reference by other clinical nursing staff when enhancing the quality of care of patients with terminal cancer.


