  • 期刊


Burden of the Caregiver from Caring Elderly Psychiatric Patients in the Community




老年精神病人 家屬 負荷


As psychiatric patients aging, in addition to psychological illness, they will also encounter physical issues as well as disability. They demand more health care, require interdisciplinary medical and nursing services; therefore, the follow-up and long-term care demand of elderly mental patients in the community require diversified, whole-person, full-time and all-round services. Family members bear a lot of care responsibilities, causing diverse disease burdens. Caregivers should have correct concepts and attitudes to take care of themselves while helping patients. Authors put forward some specific self-adjustment suggestions for caregivers' reference: (1) family members ought not to blame themselves, it is not anyone's fault; (2) taking care of patients with psychosis is the common responsibility shared by all family members; (3) family members should say "no" to psychosis, not to the patients; (4) family members must take priority of self-caring; (5) family members should assist patients to combat psychosis; and work with the medical team, as well as the patients together to formulate various treatment agreements. It is recommended to strengthen awareness of elderly psychosis for family members or local residents, provide consultation and education. Furthermore, by thoroughly understand the plight of mental patients' families through social and political departments and assist in solving issues; in order to create a friendly community for the elderly psychiatric patients, and hence extend the service to the entire society and the country.


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張文彬(2021).精神疾病與長期照顧的距離:論 2018 年龍發堂事件後的精神病人長照制度.社科法政論,9,1-41。https://doi.org/10. 6268/RSSLP.202103_(9).0001
