  • 期刊


A Study on Integrated Traffic Corridor Management Model


交通基礎設施無法隨車輛高成長率立即擴充調整,導致在全世界各大城市間的交通量於高速公路和主要幹道所組成之運輸走廊(Traffic Corridor)交通壅塞情況更加嚴重。整合型交通管理(Integrated Traffic Management, ITM)主要透過整合各種交通管理策略,紓緩由高速公路、上下匝道以及平行於高速公路之主要幹道和相鄰市區道路所組成之運輸走廊的交通擁擠情形。本研究建構線性最佳化控制模式(Optimal Control Model),考慮匝道儀控以及交通號誌控制策略,控制變數包括路段之車輛等候長度(Queue Length)以及定時號誌控制下之綠燈時比(Green Splits)。使用數學規劃軟體CPLEX求取運輸走廊中目標函數總延滯時間(Total Delay Time)最小化下之最佳化控制設定。研究中利用兩不同虛擬運輸走廊進行數學模式的實驗,探討求解之最佳化整合型交通管理結果,並透過模擬指派模式DynaTAIWAN進行實證分析和驗證。


This research focuses on Integrated Traffic Management (ITM) to relieve possible congestion for traffic corridors through traffic control strategies. A traffic corridor basically includes freeway segments, on-ramps, off-ramps, and arterial streets. Possible traffic control strategies include ramp metering, and traffic signal. The problem is formulated as a linear programming model, and the objective function is to minimize total delay time through CPLEX for considered traffic corridors. The control variables include queue length for each roadway segment and green splits for each pre-timed signal. Numerical experiments are conducted for two traffic corridors to illustrate the proposed model, and total delay time and queue length distribution are used as performance indexes. In order to verify the results, traffic control strategies are used in the simulation-assignment model, DynaTAIWAN to simulate traffic flow distributions.
