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When Clinical Psychologists Encountered the 921 Chi-Chi Earthquake


「九二一」大地震為台灣的創傷事件,事件發生後各專業領域人員紛紛展開救援活動,臨床心理師亦在災後展開相關訪視與心理輔導工作。災後心理復健工作內容大致上可區分為四個時期階段。「危機期」為災後立即輔導工作,包含:專業人員培訓、開設24 小時心理諮詢專線、實地至災區對相關人員進行災後輔導。「盤整期」則組織人力,從游擊戰進入系統戰的相關災後心理服務模式確立。「建構期」則致力於長期輔導重建工作,包含進行種子教師培訓、開設身心聯合門診、推動健康志工培訓和東勢精神再造活動,以傳述當地人自救救人之精神,並達到在地力量的「培能轉化」。「研究期」則鑑於需要長期累積實徵資料,以作為重構心理復健模式之基礎,故進行兩期的災後心理重建長期追蹤研究整合型計畫,並落實心理服務模式的應用與推廣。回顧臨床心理師於「九二一」現場的草擬行動,本文也提出反思與建議。


臨床心理師 九二一


The 921 Earthquake is one a trementous natural disasters in Taiwan. After crisis, all of professions branched out to help the victims of the disaster, and clinical psychologists took on the role of interviewing and counseling. The post-disaster mental rehabilitation work basically consisted of the following two stages: ”the crisis stage” involves immediate counseling, including: the training of professionals; the operation of 24-hour hot line; and direct counseling for people in needy help in the disaster area. ”The re-ordering stage” is to organize the manpower and establish the systematic psychological service model. ”The constructive stage” involves the long-term rehabilitating work, including: the training of local teachers intended for transforming external help to a self-help resource; offering an outpatient services for getting over the symptoms or the adaptive problems of earthquake; advancing the training of the healthy volunteers and recovering the spirit of ”Dong-shi town” for achieving the goal of ”empowerment” that enable the local volunteers help the others. ”The researches stage” is to proceed two following long-term research to establish the mental recover model and apply the psychological service model. Lastly, to review the service of clinical psychologists in the 921, we address some introspections and suggestions.


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