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Hypnotherapy in the Treatment of the Victim of Childhood Sexual Abuse: A Case Study


每年有成千上萬件性侵害事件在各地發生,雖然大多數的案例都因被害人的顧忌而隱藏未報,然而,性侵害對被害人所造成的影響與衝擊,可能持續一生。被害人遭遇性侵後通常會呈現身體方面的問題或認知扭曲、情緒障礙、自我價值感喪失、退縮、逃避、人際適應困難等創傷後壓力症候群(post-traumatic stress disorder, 以下簡稱PTSD)的症狀。根據文獻及研究者的臨床經驗,催眠治療對於PTSD甚為有效。這篇案例研究,敘述並探討對一個在孩童期遭遇性侵的被害人採用催眠治療的歷程,包括緣由、理論基礎、治療過程及追蹤成效。本案例幫助性侵受害者成功的減少了許多包括憂鬱在內的PTSD症狀,研究者試圖用創傷治療理論與催眠治療歷程對照來闡述治療產生效果的原因。


There are hundreds of thousands of sexual abuse events happened in the world each year. Avoiding being hurt again most of the victims didn't report. However, the impact of sexual abuse on the victims may last for their whole lives. The survivors of sexual abuse may suffer from the post-traumatic stress disorder symptoms (PTSD) such as somatic disturbance, cognition distortion, emotional disturbance, interpersonal withdrawal and depressive thought. According to some literature and researcher' clinical experiences, hypnotherapy is one of the effective methods in dealing with PTSD. The purpose of this article is to present the process of applying hypnosis in dealing with the victim of childhood sexual abuse. This study includes rationale, theoretical foundation, therapeutic process, and follow up. The researcher was trying to explain the cause effects through contrasting the theories of trauma and the therapeutic phases of hypnosis.


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