  • 學位論文


The psychological process of the childhood sexual abused survivors' disclosure to their significant others.

指導教授 : 洪素珍


本研究指在瞭解童年期受過性侵害的女性倖存者,在面對重要他人時是否揭露其童年性創傷的心理歷程,包括倖存者對於揭露的思考、揭露時可能有的情緒,以及影響其揭露的因素等。並期待研究過程中所發現的重要議題,能對從事性侵害倖存者治療的實務工作者或專業人員提供新的觀點。本研究的研究方法,採用質化研究的敘說分析進行資料的蒐集與分析,訪談二位童年期曾受過性侵害,並接受過心理治療經驗的女性成人倖存者,訪談過程以半結構訪談大綱進行深度訪談。最後研究者以敘說之「整體-內容」及「類別-內容」分析法對二位研究參與者自我揭露的整體歷程進行分析。 經分析詮釋後,本研究發現兩位研究參與者都曾因為童年�青少年時失敗的揭露經驗而使得她們不敢再跟他人揭露,直到成年後才有機會與能量再次揭露。揭露前,兩位研究參與者都對揭露的結果有著負面的想像;揭露的歷程也引發強烈的負向情緒,例如憤怒、悲傷、恐懼、孤單及困惑等;揭露後,兩位參與者均經驗到情緒的抒發。再者,兩位參與者均因為性創傷造成對親密肢體接觸感到困擾,進而跟親密伴侶自我揭露並且也都獲得支持;不同的是,其中一位參與者的揭露次數較多,也會盡量跟重要他人討論性創傷對自己的影響,積極爭取重要他人的支持;但是另一位參與者的揭露模式則較隱微,並且有著「家醜不可外揚」的擔心,始終不敢跟父母揭露。兩位研究參與者對於揭露的擔心與恐懼,及因性創傷引起的困擾與負向情緒,都藉由一次次的揭露而獲得釐清與抒解,研究的結果也顯示自我揭露有助於兩位參與者的復原。 另外,本研究發現影響倖存者自我揭露的因素包括:社會文化,例如處女情節;家庭規則,例如重男輕女;重要他人,例如支持與否;以及個人因素,例如諮商經驗等四項因素,因素之間也會產生交互作用,影響倖存者的自我揭露。


The aims of this study were to explore childhood sexual abused survivors’ psychological progress, recovery progress and the incident self-disclosure. The researcher also expects that the important issues found in this study can provide new views to professional therapists and others who work with sexual abuse survivors. The researcher applies self-disclosure analysis of qualitative research to collect and analyze data. The researcher interviewed two female survivors who suffered childhood sexual abuse and conduct psychotherapy with semi-structural in-depth interviews. Finally, the researcher applied the theory of “holistic-content” and “categorical-content” to describe the survivors’ transformation and self-disclosure trauma. According to researcher’s study, both survivors had failure self-disclosure experiences during their childhood and teenage hood. That causes the survivors did not mention this issue to anyone else until they are adult. Before the self-disclosure interviews, both survivors were expecting negative result. There were also a lot of emotion appears during the interview, such as anger, fear, lonely, confused…etc, but after few sessions of self-disclosure interviews, both survivors experienced the relief of the emotion. Beside the emotional relief, both survivors also received positive support from their intimate partner. The only difference between two survivors is that survivor A had more experiences of self-disclosure, willing to discuss the sexual abuse trauma with her “significant other”, and strive for the support. Survivor B is more implicit, and tries to hide the incident as much as possible. She will not discuss her sexual abuse trauma with her “significant other”. However, both survivors who suffered from childhood sexual abuse have received benefit of emotional relief, recovery progress and self-esteem build up after few self-disclosure interviews. Base on this study, it also found the factors that influence the survivors’ willingness to self-disclosure or not include social factor, family factor, significant other and consulting experiences.


洪素珍(2003)。 性侵害受害者情緒創傷之復原,性別、暴力與權力研討會,高雄師範大學性別教育研究所。


