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Organizational Identity: A Review and Agenda for Future Research


認定(identity)最重要的意義在於突顯事物的本質與獨特性,並成為自我定義的一部分。認定牽涉到個體對事物本質的看法,也影響自我建構,長久以來都被視為是個體行為的重要基礎。在組織行為領域中,認定的研究具有相當久的歷史,七零年代心理學出於自我的好奇,聚焦在自我認定(self identity)。八零年代Tajfel的社會認定理論(social identity theory)以及Ashforth的組織認定(organizational identity),讓自我定義的觀點由個人提昇為團體,說明個體如何抽取出鮮明的組織認定,並成為自我定義的一部分。爾後的三十年,組織認定研究便快速的展開並佔有一席之地。近年來,主流期刊的發表與新興觀點的提出,在在都顯示認定的研究在質量上都具有明顯的躍進。本文最主要的目的,便是對組織認定進行系統性的整理。共分三部分,回顧部分本文將討論組織認定的概念演變;現況部分,將現有研究化約成四大主題進行討論;最後,前瞻部份,將立基於現有的文獻提出未來研究的方向,期能為臺灣組織認定相關議題的研究提供新的研究取徑。


自我 自我疆界 多重認定 組織認定 認定


The core meaning of identity is to reveal something's nature and to make it a part of one's self concept. Since identity has long been seen as the source of human behavior, it has received a lot of attention in academia. In the 1970s, rooted from the curiosity of defining oneself, psychologists focused their research on self identity. In the 80s, social identity theory (Tajfel, 1982) and organizational identity theory (Ashforth, 1989) shifted research foci from self-focused to group-focused. This shifted paradigm focused on how individuals summarize group identity (organizational identity) and transform it into a part of self concept. Thirty years later, organizational identity has become a blooming topic and has established its place in organizational behavior research. The main purpose of this article is to provide a systematic review of what has been studied in identity over the last few decades. We first introduce the concept evolution of identity. Second, we summarize current research as four trends, then evaluate both the contributions and limitations of each trend. Last, we propose a roadmap for future research by addressing some current, cutting-edge issues. On the basis of this review, we try to advance our knowledge of identity and illustrate an agenda for theoretical developments and empirical explorations.


鄭伯壎編、姜定宇編、鄭弘岳編(2007)。組織行為研究在臺灣:三十年回顧與展望。臺北=Taipei City, Taiwan:華泰=Hwa-Tai。
鄭伯壎編、姜定宇編(2006)。華人組織行為:議題、作法及出版。臺北=Taipei City, Taiwan:華泰=Hwa-Tai。
簡忠仁(2009)。連結與切割: 延伸性認同模式的釐清與驗證。臺灣大學心理學研究所=National Taiwan University。


