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Imagery in Liou Tsonq-yuen's Landscape Poetry as Compared with Tao Yusn-Ming's and Xie Linq-Yun's Poetries


柳宗元的山水詩,得力於陶淵明和謝靈運甚多,但又有自己的風格。因此本文擬藉由柳宗元和陶淵明、謝靈運詩歌意象的比較,進一步看他的山水詩的寫作方法,最後,看他的山水詩的感情世界。首先,比較柳宗元和陶淵明、謝靈運在詩歌意象的運用情形,發現柳宗元的山水詩雖有陶淵明田園詩意象的沖淡高遠,但有些卻更為孤高寂寞;雖有謝軍運山水詩意象的生動鮮明,但有些卻更為淒愴。其次,藉由柳宗元和陶、謝二人作詩方法的比較, 發現柳宗元雖學陶淵明的寫意之筆, 但有時卻只是字句上相似;雖學謝靈連的寫景方法,但卻並非按照記遊、寫景、興情、悟理的架構,而是有不同的表現方式。最後,就山水詩的感情世界來看,陶淵明是真能自得,謝靈運是表面上的超脫,柳宗元則有閒淡自適、孤高寂寞、了悟道理、暫時移情、愁緒與山水合一等情形。


柳宗元 陶淵明 謝靈運 山水詩 田園詩 意象


In composing his landscape poetry, Liou Tsong-yuan was considerably inspired by Tao Yuan-ming and Xie Ling-yun, Liou nevertheless has his own idiosyncratic style. This paper first analyzes the imagery in Liou's poety, as compared and contrasted with that in Tao's and Xie's poetries. It then examines Liou's methods of composing landscape poetry and the theme of feelings as manifested in his landscape poetry. First, when imagery was investigated in Liou's, Tao's, and Xie's poetries, it was found that though some of Liou's landscape poems convey images of plain ordinariness and loftiness, which was found also in Tao's farm poetry, some of Liou's poems actually convey a higher degree of loftiness and loneliness. Some of Liou's landscape poems convey vivid images just like those found in Xie's landscape poems. However, a sense of sadness was also found in Liou's poems, a characteristic peculiar to Liou's poems. Next, in terms of methods of poem composition, it was found that, though Liou mimics Tao's expressive style, in many ways the two poets employ similar words at best. When Liou's depiction of landscape was compared and contrasted with Xie's, it was found that Liou employs a means of expression other than that commonly employed in the description of travels, landscapes, feelings, and deeper understandings of life in the world. Finally, in terms of the depiction of various manifestations of feelings, one finds that while Tao's poems exhibit genuine self-contentedness, Xie's poems convey a superficial tranquility derived from a deeper understanding of life in the face of setbacks. By contrast, Liou's poems manifest a combined sense of easiness and self-contentedness, loftiness and loneliness, a sudden insight into life, a temporary oblivion to worries in life, and a feeling of sadness projected onto the landscape.


