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Experience of Applying Discharge Planning Service for A Patient with Limb Hemiplegia Caused by Right Infarct Stroke




腦中風 復健 出院準備服務


This study reported the experience of caring for a patient with limb hemiplegia caused by right infarct stroke. From February 20 to April 18, 2019, the methods of communication and meetings following the "Gordon 11 Function Health Pattern" were applied to analyze the case's data and summarize the main nursing problems of this case, including physical dysfunction, dysphagia, and family's ability to respond. During the nursing process, we established a good nurse-patient relationship by actively organizing family meetings, applying the concept of "Shared Decision Making" (SDM), and discussing acute post-care and rehabilitation plans. Then, flipped teaching strategies were applied for muscle balance and swallowing training. The left side hemiplegia was improved, and the nasogastric tube feeding was successfully removed. This strategy connected long-term care service resources, reduced the burden for the wife of the patient, and helped the patient to smoothly return to normal life functions. Therefore, when we face stroke patients having family care problems, it is recommended that we connect with the discharge planning team, and actively provide long-term care resource integration assistance according to the needs of the patents' families. By doing so, the patient can receive continuous care, and the family members also gain breathing space.


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