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An Improved Project for Reducing the Incidence of Hemodialysis Machine Alarms in a Regional Hospital





The correct operation of hemodialysis machines is critical for patient safety. However, excessive hemodialysis machine alarms not only reflect patient problems during hemodialysis but also make a noisy environment, leading to patient anxiety and an uncomfortable dialysis environment, thereby increasing the workload of medical and nursing staff. From May 1 to May 31, 2019, the hemodialysis machine alarm rate of this unit was 63.3%; this prompted the current project, which aimed at lowering the hemodialysis machine alarm rate. The analysis identified the causes of hemodialysis machine alarms as hypotension, the venous pressure clamp being closed, and vascular access problems. Accordingly, the following improvement strategies were developed: holding group health education, creating a hydration control propaganda poster and education packages, establishing standard procedures for hemodialysis blood flow operations, holding in-service courses on vascular access puncture techniques and knowledge, and establishing a vascular access puncture sequence diagram for performing a puncture. After implementing these strategies, the hemodialysis machine alarm rate decreased from 63.3% to 23.4%. In addition, patients' uneasiness and anxiety were reduced and the time taken by nursing personnel in responding to hemodialysis machine alarms was lowered. Thus, we provided patients with a more peaceful and comfortable dialysis environment.


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