  • 期刊


The Home Care Experience for a Foreign Worker with Lumbar Fracture and Dislocation





The article described a home health nursing care for a foreign worker who suffered lumbar fracture and dislocation after fall accidentally. She was unable to perform work in the paralyzed lower limbs need to repatriate. The period of nursing was from December 14th in 2008 to July 15th in 2009. During this period, home-based visits and telephone-based interviews were totally done 15 and 10 times respectively. Data was collected by interview, direct observations, physical examination and telephone visit. Based on Roy's adaptation model, the author identified three major health problems, including physical activity dysfunction, constipation, and powerlessness. After progressive muscle strength, physical activity, shift, defecation training, the case can move from her bed to the wheelchair, take a bath independently and return to normal defecation. She was even more courage to face the future, no longer felt powerlessness. The case was foreign worker, hence, medical and care costs were satisfactorily resolved through consulting with the Labor Bureau, the National Health Insurance Bureau and the agency. This case report provides a reference for nurses taking care of patients with foreign home care worker or lumbar fracture and dislocation.
