  • 期刊

營養師長期照護Level Ⅱ人員培訓規劃與進度

Continue Education Program for Registered Dietitian in Long Term Care


因應我國近年來人口快速老化,長期照顧需求人口數增加,且慢性病與功能障礙的長者相對增加,而這些功能障礙長者或缺乏自我照顧能力者,對於醫療與長期照顧相當需求,且需要來自不同專業人力的投入,才能提供完整及連續性的照顧,滿足被照顧者的需求。行政院衛生署護理及健康照護處積極規劃長期照護服務專業人力需求,中華民國營養師公會全國聯合會承接營養師長期照護level Ⅱ人員培訓計畫。本文說明人員培訓課程內容、執行情形與成果。本計畫培訓內容為針對level Ⅱ營養專業的課程,總計32小時的課程規劃,強調營養照護專業於長期照護職場之照護能力。目前已完成100名營養師之培訓,並預計於100年9月底以前完成150名營養師之培訓。未來繼續規劃相關課程,以培訓更多有興趣營養師參與長期照護行列,以期更多在地營養師投入長期照護,服務逐年增加的老化人口。


Responding to the rapid population aging condition the recent years in Taiwan. People who need long-term cares are increasing; old people with chronic diseases and functional disorders are increasing comparatively. These old people who lack of medical and self-care skills are quite in need of the in-put from different professionals to provide them complete and continuous medical care to satisfy their requirements. Therefore, the Bureau of Nursing and Health Services Development of the Department of Health of the Administrative Yuan are enthusiastically planning long-term care training programs to fit for the manpower requirement. The Taiwan Dietitian Association undertakes the dietitian training in this long-term care level Ⅱ training program.This article describes the training course, execution conditions and results. There are 32 hours that emphasize on the nutritional care professional in long-term care abilities.So far, it has completed training of 100 dietitians. We are expected to achieve training of 150 dietitians before the end of September 2010. In the future, we will continue planning relevant training programs for more dietitians who are interested in long-term care. Look forward to having more local dietitians join in the long-term care business and doing services for the yearly increasing aging population.
