  • 期刊


Survey on Food Service Problems and Solutions in Long-Term Care Institutions


本研究以半開放式結構式問卷調查方式,了解長期照護機構常見的餐食問題、發生原因及營養師的建議改善對策。調查時間為2012年,對象為參與某連鎖長期照顧機構『誰來上菜』北、中、南區分享會的老闆、護理師、社工師、營養師等專業人員,其中營養師占35份。研究結果以Microsoft Excel程式進行統計分析。在結果中發現,營養師認為機構最常見的問題是住民抱怨菜色搭配不佳、菜餚口味不適應,以及家屬反映長輩不吃。需要協助機構如何烹煮適合高齡者的菜餚、變化菜單及膳食管理;餐食問題未見改善的原因,主要是成本考量、會增加餐食製備時間及高齡者吃完就忘了。一致認同足夠的熱量與均衡營養可以降低機構住民疾病感染率、離所率、住院率及死亡率。針對這些機構常見的問題,可藉由供膳管理介入、提供多元化的菜單,以及研究烹調適合高齡者飲食質地的餐食,以提升高齡者的營養狀況及生活品質。


This research is conducted via a structured survey to understand the common problems encountered by dietitians in food service, the cause of the problems, and recommended solutions to resolve the problems. The surveys were collected during a nation-wide road show of a chain long-term care (LTC) institution's event "Who's Serving" The audiences are dietitians working at LTC institutions in the north, central, and south region of Taiwan. Among all surveys collected, 35 responses are valid. The most common problems encountered by dietitians are resident complaints on poor entrée selection and food not catered to senior palates, and residents refusing to eat. All problems indicate a need to have a strong food service team who can develop suitable recipes and cooking method catered for seniors. The main reason why the problems were not resolved were cost concerns, extended lead time in food preparation, and seniors tend to be forgetful on food served. Although all dietitians surveyed agree that sufficient calorie intake and balanced diet will reduce resident's infection rate, departure rate, admission rate, and death rate. To properly address food service problems in long-term care institutions, a diversified menu and entrée prepared with property cooking methods that can cater to seniors are necessary to increase the nutrition intake and quality of life of the residents.


long-term care (LTC) nutrition food service
