  • 期刊


Prevention of Disability in the Elderly




失能 老年人 運動 飲食 預防


Disability is the term describing the impairment of body function of individuals that limits the activities that they can perform and restricts the participation that they can involve in the life. As the elderly population rises continuously, it is important to understand the causes of the disability in the elderly and the strategies to prevent it. Frailty characterized by slow walking speed, muscle weakness, feeling exhaustion, decreased physical activity and loss of lean body mass is the major cause of disability in the elderly. Risk factors of frailty are age, diseases and lake of exercise. Age-related loss of muscle mass and strength is the central and paramount factor of frailty in the elderly. Progressive resistance exercise accompanied with sufficient protein intake effectively increase muscle strength and lean body mass of the elderly. Age-related diseases such as heart diseases, stroke, osteoarthritis and fall-related fracture also decrease the exercise capacity of the elderly and negatively affect the willingness of individuals to exercise. Multidimensional exercises and diet intervention including calorie restriction and vitamin D supplementation not only increase physical function and reduce fall incidences of the elderly but also improve metabolic impairment that is associated with age-related diseases. In conclusion, adequate diet strategies and exercise regimen play an important role to prevent or postpone the disability in the elderly.


Disability elderly exercise diet prevention


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謝玉萍、邱金快、王淑美、陳俐樺、溫玉仁(2021)。舒適老人心、銀髮新人生 高齡住院病人衰弱評估及防跌改善方案健康促進研究與實務4(1),161-168。https://doi.org/10.29442/HPRP.202101_4(1).0024

