  • 期刊


The Effect of Twelve-week Balance Training Program on Limits of Stability in Elderly People-Preliminary Study


本研究旨在探討12週平衡性動作訓練,對高齡者穩定限度能力的影響。研究招募42位65歲以上的高齡者,分為實驗組(21位)及控制組(21位);實驗組介入小抗力球運動;控制組維持原本生活形式。所有受試者在運動介入前、後進行高齡者功能性檢測和穩定限度測試的測量,以獨立樣本t-test和相依樣本t-test分析比較兩組穩定限度測試和高齡者功能性檢測的差異。研究結果顯示實驗組在前方向的終點偏移位移量(18.62±19.00% vs. -1.95±25.62%)、最大偏移位移量(14.71±23.07% vs. -2.19±29.34%);後方向的最大偏移位移量(18.19±25.54% vs. -4.29±24.85%);右方向的終點偏移位移量(10.95±20.64% vs. -6.48±31.65%)、最大偏移位移量(4.76±11.94% vs. -8.71±24.56%)、重心方向控制(8.05±10.59% vs. -7.81±36.00%);左方向的最大偏移位移量(13.57±16.31% vs. -3.62±21.69%)等,以及開眼單足立(17.57±26.44秒 vs. -6.76±26.22秒)和30 秒椅子坐站(3.15±4.25次 vs.-1.10±2.30次)等都是實驗組顯著優於控制組(p<0.05)。這意味著本研究課程改善了高齡者的動態平衡、靜態平衡、肌力,而平衡能力和肌力的增加有助於降低高齡者的跌倒因子。因此,本研究的小抗力球運動可做為預防高齡者跌倒的課程之一。


高齡者 平衡 跌倒 穩定限度能力


The aim of this study was to investigate the effect of twelve-week balance training program on limits of stability in elderly people. In this study, 42 elderly people above 65 years old were divided into the exercise group (n=21) and the control group (n=21). The exercise group participated the balance training program, and the control group maintained ordinary lifestyle. All subjects were measured for functional fitness and limits of stability before and after exercise program intervention, we analyzed the data of their functional fitness and limits of stability test by independent t-test and paired t-test. Result: The exercise group in Endpoint Excursion (18.62±19.00% vs. -1.95±25.62%) & Maximum Excursion (14.71±23.07% vs. -2.19±29.34%) in forward direction, Maximum Excursion (18.19±25.54% vs. -4.29±24.85%) in back direction, Endpoint Excursion (10.95±20.64% vs. -6.48±31.65%), Maximum Excursion (4.76±11.94% vs. -8.71±24.56%) & Directional Control (8.05±10.59% vs. -7.81±36.00%) in right direction, Maximum Excursion (13.57±16.31% vs. -3.62± 21.69%) in left direction, single-leg standing test with eyes-opened (17.57±26.44 sec vs. -6.76±26.22 sec), and 30-s chair standing test (3.15±4.25 times vs. -1.10±2.30 times) were significantly higher than the control group (p < 0.05). It means that the balance training program can improve dynamic balance, static balance, and strength, and then it also decreases falling risk of the elderly people. Therefore, the balance training program of this study can be used as elderly people falling preventive program.


elderly people balance fall limits of stability


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