  • 期刊


The current situation, Challenges and Opportunities to implement Integrated care in " The Alley Long-Term Care Service C Station"- The View of World Health Organization's ICOPE MESO level approach




Taiwan is the fastest aging countries in the world, it is estimated that only takes 7 years to transform from an aging society to a super-aged society. Due to the changes in the demographic structure, the older people would become the main dependent population in the society. The care problems bring by the aging society are important issues that cannot be ignored. In 2016, Taiwan implemented long-term care (LTC) 2.0, emphasizing the spirit of aging in place and community care, and implemented the ABC Integrated community care service system, it hoped that the older people could return to their families and communities. Among them, The Alley Long-Term Care Service C Station (C Station) was the forefront of the LTC service delivery network, provide community integrated care services for the older people. This article used the WHO ICOPE meso-level assessment method to evaluate the current status, challenges and opportunities of the integrated care in C Station. It found that there was a gap between the C Station and the WHO expect that. The main reasons were:(1) lacked of opportunities for interdisciplinary cooperation, disconnection with LTC resource network in AB system (2) insufficient human Resources and professional knowledge, (3) unclear position of care function. The suggestions of this research were as follows: (1)Reposition the role of C Station in the ABC system, (2) Integrate the interdisciplinary team and LTC resource networks,(3) Strengthen the integrated care function of C Station, to provide a person-centered integrated care for the older people.


李易駿(2017).小型長照服務單元的利基與挑戰:「巷弄長照站」的專業服務與籌辦想像.台灣社區工作與社區研究學刊,(7 2),183-198 。 https://doi.org/10.29755/JCWCS


