  • 期刊


Application of Successful Intelligence Theory in Reading and Writing Instruction


文學源自生活,故閱讀寫作教學除了文學能力的訓練外,更應落實於現實生活,才能創作真正的文學。而Sternberg 的成功智能理論強調統整運用分析、實用與創造的能力以提升生活的成功效能,與文學創作所需的文本分析、生活應用、創意思考等能力及宗旨不謀而合,故本文旨在呈現成功智能理論在閱讀寫作教學之應用,以為閱讀寫作教學實務之參考。


Literature comes from life. To help students create literary works, not only should the teaching of reading and writing focus on the training of literary competence, but it should also be implemented in the contexts of real life. Moreover, to promote the successful efficacy in life, Successful Intelligence Theory, proposed by Sternberg, emphasizes integrating the abilities to analyze, apply, and create, which are also required in the completion of quality literary works. This article aims to apply Successful Intelligence Theory to teaching reading and writing, which can help teachers improve their teaching practices.


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