  • 期刊


A Study on the Health Beliefs and the Behavioral Intentions of Influenza Vaccination among Health Care Professionals at One Medical Center in Taipei Municipal City


本研究目的爲探討醫護人員在流感疫苗接種的健康信念與行爲意向,採橫斷式調查研究設計。以北部某醫學中心總院之執業醫事人員合計3918位爲母群體,採分層比例隨機抽樣,抽取研究對象1678人。研究工具採用自編式問卷,以自填方式回收805份(回收率不高主要是醫護人員醫療事務極爲繁忙,填答意願不高),排除過敏者及廢卷,得有效問卷663份。以描述性統計、t檢定、單因子變異數分析、薛費法事後檢定等方法進行統計分析。本研究主要發現如下: 一、研究對象在流感疫苗接種的健康信念: 1.自覺流感罹患性:工作性質容易接觸到流感病患或病毒。2.自覺流感嚴重性:設在意感染流感時對於家庭及工作的影響,和倦怠感及發燒。3.自覺流感疫苗接種行動利益性:降低自己和病人的流感罹病率。4.自覺流感疫苗接種行動障礙性:流感疫苗的副作用、效果不佳,疫苗安全性。 二、研究對象在流感疫苗接種的行為意向: 願意及非常願意的人數佔全體受訪的60.79%,傾向願意的人佔大多數。 三、不同社會人口學變項之研究對象在流感疫苗接種的健康信念與行為意向等變項之得分差異考驗結果: 在自覺流感罹患性的得分上,護理師/護士高於醫生。在自覺流感嚴重性的得分上,女性較男性高;教育程度越高,其自覺流感嚴重性反而較低;已婚者得分高於未婚者;不同執業類別以護理師得分高於醫生和其他醫事人員;年資在一年以下者得分高於年資5-7(含)年、7-10(含)、10年以上者。在自覺流感疫苗接種行動利益性的得分上,已婚者高於未婚者。在自覺流感疫苗接種行動障礙性的得分上,以30歲以下、31-40歲、41-50歲的受訪者高於50歲以上。至於在流感疫苗接種行爲意向的得分上,41-50歲及50歲以上受訪者大於31-40歲及30歲以下者;已婚者大於未婚者;護理師/護士大於醫師;工作年資10(含)年以上者大於5-7(含)年者。 最後,根據研究結果,提出建議,供醫療院所感染控制,以及作爲公共衛生流感防治政策製訂的參考。


The purposes of this study were to understand the health beliefs and the behavioral intentions of influenza vaccination among health care professionals. This research was based on a cross-sectional study. The population of this research was 3918 health care professionals at .a certain medical center in northern Taiwan. The 1678 participants of this research were selected by a stratified randomly sampling. A self-developed questionnaire was used. The effective questionnaires were 663 excluding those with allergy or taboo and ineffective questionnaires. The data were analyzed by descriptive statistics, t-test, one way ANOVA, and Scheffe's posteriori comparison. The main findings of this study were as follows: 1. Health beliefs of influenza vaccination: (1) Perceived susceptibility to influenza: the virus in the hospital working environment; (2) Perceived seriousness to influenza: the great impacts to the job and the family, the feelings of fatigue and fever; (3) Perceived benefits of influenza vaccination: the decrease of the susceptibility for individuals and patients; (4) Perceived barriers to influenza vaccination: the side effects and the non-safety of the vaccine; 2. Behavioral intentions of influenza vaccination: The intentions for influenza vaccination among research participants were 60.79%. 3. The test of differences on the health beliefs, the behavioral intentions for research participants with different socio-demographics: (1) There was a significant difference on perceived susceptibility to influenza for health care professionals with different department; (2) There were significant differences on perceived severity of influenza for health care professionals with different gender, education level, marital status, working experience, and department; (3) There was a significant difference on perceived benefits of influenza vaccination for health care professionals with different marital status; (4) There was a significant difference on perceived barriers to influenza vaccination for health care professionals with different age. (5) There were significant differences on behavioral intentions to influenza vaccination for health care professionals with different age, marital status, working experience, and department; The findings of this study could be applied as references to the establishment of policies of public health, disease control and prevention in the hospital.


