  • 學位論文

醫療從業人員流感疫苗接種行為及反應- 以健康服務利用模式進行因素探討

The Study on the Factors for Influenza Vaccination Behavior and Reaction of Hospital Employee:Using Health Service Utilization Model

指導教授 : 張馨云


本研究採橫斷式調查研究設計,並引用Andersen提出的第四代健康服務利用模式,以中部某公立醫院護理師、放射師、藥師、醫檢師及行政人員合計419位為母群體,隨機抽取研究對象為301人。採自編式問卷,共回收225份,排除無效問卷後得有效問卷221份。再以前傾、健康狀況及健康行為為自變項,是否接種疫苗為依變項。以描述性統計、卡方檢定等統計方法,運用SPSS 17.0進行資料分析,進而了解並探討影響醫療從業人員接種流感疫苗的相關因素及反應。 研究結果顯示,在個人因素方面,未懷孕(p=.001)、無藥物過敏史(p < .001)的族群接種流感疫苗意願高於有懷孕/藥物過敏史族群。在疫苗廠牌影響(p < .05)及前一年有接種流感疫苗(p < .001)的族群接種流感疫苗意願高於未接種族群。在健康狀況方面,平日健康狀況(p < .05)及健康狀況與同年齡的人相比(p < .05)顯示自覺健康狀況較不好的族群流感疫苗接種高於健康狀況較好的族群。而健康行為方面並無顯著差異。 在本研究結果中顯示自覺健康情況良好及懷孕中的醫療從業人員較不願接種流感疫苗,由於醫療從業人員長時間的臨床工作,常暴露於傳染病原的高危險中,如何避免自身被感染及預防院內群突發是相當重要的課題本結果期望能提供醫院感染管制單位後續推動接種流感疫苗及防疫政策時參考,達到最大的防疫效益。 關鍵詞:醫院從業人員、流感疫苗、健康服務利用模式、接種行為、副作用


The aim of this study was to investigate the effects of influenza vaccination on health care practitioners with cross-sectional study by applying Andersen’s f-ourth-generation health service utilization model. A total of 301 valid questionn-aires were collected from public hospital nurses, radiologists, pharmacists, med-ical staff and administrative staff in central Taiwan. The major findings were as follows. The domains included in the questionnaire are the following: demogra-phic characteristics, healthy behaviors, health status and health believe to ward influenza vaccination. The data was analyzed by SPSS 18.0, using descriptive s-tatistics, t-test, Chi-square and logistic regression. The results show that, in terms of personal factors, there was no pregnancy (p = 0.001), no history of drug allergy (p <0.001), influenza vaccination is higher than the pregnancy / drug allergy group. In the case of vaccine brand effects (p <.05) and previous influenza vaccination (p <0.001), influenza vaccination rates were higher than those of non-vaccinated groups. In terms of health status, the normal health status (p <.05) and the health status compared with those of the same age (p <.05), indicating that influenza vaccine comparing with poor health is better than healthy people. There was no significant difference in health behavior. From this study, we noticed that the willingness to have influenza vaccinat-ion is associated with pregnant women, diabetes duration, perceived benefits and cues to action. The age of the individual and his/her diabetes duration could not be altered. Therefore this study suggests that medical professionals play a very i-mportant role in influenza prevention and the promoting of influenza vaccinatio-n. Enhancing the doctor-patient relationship and the trust in the medical team w-ill be a very important key. This study suggests that medical professionals should have sufficient and c-orrect knowledge about influenza and its vaccination. Adequate information and health education about influenza vaccination should be provided not only to the patients, but also to their family members. The correct concept could be promo-ted via community activities; TV or radio broadcasts, or even during the waiting time in OPD sessions. Health department of local government should also hold seminar and lectures concerning this topic to disseminate the correct concept. Keywords: Medical professionals, Influenza vaccines, Health service utili-zation model, Vaccination behavior, Side effects


