  • 期刊


Sexual Knowledge and Education Needs among Vocational Students in Taoyuan


目的:本研究探討桃園地區高職學生的性知識、影響性知識的相關因素以及對性教育的需求。 方法:採多階段集束比例的隨機抽樣獲得樣本,採不記名問卷進行調查。 結果:於2005年9-10月,共得有效問卷571份,回收率94.1%。桃園地區高職學生性知識總平均答對率為56.4%。單變量分析結果顯示:2年級答對率最高,其次是3年級,1年級的學生最低。女生答對率顯著高於男生。除性傳染病子量表外,班上排名較前面的學生在其他性知識子量表答對率較高。僅在性生理子量表,父親屬開明權威型的學生答對率較高。兩性交往和選擇男女朋友的知識來源以同儕為主;性行為、懷孕及避孕和性傳染疾病的知識來源則以老師、學校課程為主。性教育課程需求以兩性交往最高。 建議:加強兩性交往的課程編排,並提供多方面的協助管道的資訊。學校、家庭、社會共同努力落實青少年的性教育。


Aim: We surveyed the sexual knowledge, education needs, and their factors on vocational students in Taoyuan county. Method: Multi-stage cluster proportional random sampling was performed and an anonymous questionnaire was given out. Result: During September-October 2005, a total of 571 students participated in this study, with a response rate of 94.1%. The correct proportion of total sexual knowledge was only 56.4%. Univariate analysis reveals that factors related to the correctness of sexual knowledge were: school grade (grade 11 students had the highest correct rate, followed by grade 12 students, and grade 10 students had the lowest), gender (female students tended to have a higher correct rate than male students), academic ranking (students who ranked in the top tended to have higher correct rate than those who ranked at the end in most questions except for the question about sexually-transmitted diseases), how fathers raised their kids (consideration style, high expectation from their kids, and consider their kids decisions had a higher correct rate than other groups in questions about sexual physiology.) Information about sexual behavior, pregnancy, contraceptive methods, and sexually-transmitted disease were predominantly from teachers, school lectures. The highest demand for sexual education was how to make friends, get along with friends, or choose a spouse. Only a small number of student reported that their parents provided them with sexual education. Suggestion: Programs about how to make and get along with boy/girl friends, where to get help when having a sexual problem should be reinforced. School, family, community should be encouraged to provide sexual education to their kids.


