  • 期刊


Application of Transit-Oriented Development in Taiwan Based on American Experience


台灣地區自八0年代始,都市發展己違反了「智慧型成長(smart growth)」與永續發展的理念,不當的土地開發與規劃供給,造成環境資源耗損與財政資源浪費。為解決這些課題,並改善都市內部的居住環境,應以智慧型成長豈有目標,並以大眾運輸導向發展(Transit-Oriented Development, TOD)為規劃理念,來抑制都市不合理且無效率的擴張,節省公共財政支出,促進土地發展有效利用及環境資源保護,重構都市空間的利用型態及提供適居的都市空間環境。緣此,本文之目的在於參考美國之TOD實施經驗,以作為台灣落實大眾運輸導向發展的借鏡,最後根據台灣都市與運輸發展現況,提出台灣落實TOD所應具備的規劃層級、理念目標及土地與運輸發展模式之初步構想。


Up until 1980, urban development in Taiwan conflicts with the concept of smart growth and sustainable development. It is found that current city and regional planning has depleted our valuable resources through urban sprawling in localities. This not only invades ecological areas but also waste fiscal resources Within this context t is needed to study how to employ the concept of transit-oriented development (TOD) to guide urban development patterns and to build a highly livable environment Therefore, this paper aims to develop transit-oriented development concepts in Taiwan based on American experience. Finally, this paper draws up a framework associated with planning hierarchy, goals, and land use-transit interaction planning models.


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