  • 學位論文

產業政策形成模式與推動執行之研究 —以行動台灣應用推動計畫為例

Study on Industrial Policy Forming Model and Implementation Using the M-Taiwan Project as a Case Study

指導教授 : 翁崇雄


本研究引用Hill Charles W.L.(2006)[9]所發展之策略形成流程,結合諸多學者之政策工具理論,並針對經濟部工業局之行動台灣應用推動計畫(以發展WiMAX產業為主軸之計畫),進行實證研究,討論政府在內外動機下如何運用管理學中之分析及管理工具,涵括五力分析、鑽石模型、產業生態鏈、SWOT等進行分析,歸納出一套可行之產業政策形成模式與運作架構,並試著套用此模型及三項評估風險準則:經濟效應(市場潛力)、風險成本及綜效性(衍生效應),以呼應驗證此行動台灣計畫之政策形成及執行方案,最後並探討產業政策推動執行之共通性關鍵成功因素,及延續此計畫之後續4G產業發展策略之方向建議。 由本研究結果發現之共通性關鍵成功因素有三:第一,政府高層之支持與堅持之力道是此政策形成與達成最重要之關鍵成功因素。第二,跨部會之協調整合是政策落實成功之關鍵。第三,任務編組成員之熱誠參與與適度之奬勵誘因,也是計畫落實成功與否之關鍵。關於延續此計畫之4G策略方向,研究結果發現政府之政策工具運用得宜,政府可不用編列巨額預算即可達到政策目標,如:加速4G頻譜發放,並於釋照規範中,搭配產業發展政策,及鼓勵公部門及民間全面使用4G等,藉由市場需求來帶動產業發展,進而提升國家競爭力。 由於以往甚少有類似之研究探討,希望本研究建立之模型及架構分析,對台灣未來4G之發展做出初步概要規劃及建議,並提供政府在推動後續4G產業及相關政策時之參考。


The research described in this paper has initial concepts derived from the strategic management theories of Charles W. L. Hill (2006)[9], which are later redefined into an industrial formulation framework of its own. This new practical model includes additional resources taken from government policy tools and the M-Taiwan Project execution, the purpose of which is to promote the WiMAX industry. The framework employs various models and analyses from Michael Porter’s Five Forces and Diamond models as well as influences from an industrial ecosystem and SWOT analysis to determine an original industrial development plan. This research also proposes three risk evaluation guidelines: market potential, risk and cost, as well as synergy, to determine an innovative execution plan for the 4G industry. There are several findings in this paper that reveal several key success factors. These are the high-level of government support, coordination and integration within multiply ministries, plus the motivation and determination of the task force. The use of carefully planned policy tools allows for the government to decrease its budgetary spending by creating industrial policy and incentives in the 4G area which promote manufacturing and service expenditures in the private sector. In this research, a recognized model is used to propose the creation a new 4G industrial development framework and guidelines. This can serve as a reference in promoting government-related policies.


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