  • 期刊


A Study on Measurement Method of Right-Turn Vehicles Yielding to Pedestrians at Signalized Intersection




行人 禮讓 禮讓衡量方法


A conflict often occurs between pedestrians and right-turn vehicles when pedestrians are crossing through signalized-intersection. Under the rule of respecting the people with disabilities, drivers are proposed to show courtesy to pedestrian crossing intersection. Currently, the traffic rule of yield distance could help the pedestrians avoid from vehicle crash, but ignore the pedestrians feelings. Therefore, we use survey as a method to discuss the relationship between pedestrian crossing safety perception and pedestrian crossing impact factors, and to calculate the yield distance from pedestrian perception. With the consideration of vehicle crossing in front of pedestrians, vehicle crossing after pedestrians and vehicles cannot crossing pedestrian. We also discuss the degree of vehicle yielding to pedestrian by survey to measurement method of construction. The result of calculation indicates that 3.1 meter, 3.0 meter and 3.5 meter are safe yield distance. We had used Fuzzy Logic to construct method of yield measurement and using to actual intersection in Taipei. The result indicates that high degree of yielding for driver on intersection.


pedestrian yield method of yield measurement


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