  • 期刊


Enhancement of Resistance to Drought and Flooding Stress for Grafted Tomato and Eggplant Seedlings Using Solanum Torvum as the Rootstock


本研究以番茄及茄子為材料,利用刺茄(Solanum torvum)為砧木進行嫁接,並以未嫁接苗為對照組,探討不同土壤含水量(20%、40%、80%及湛水)處理下植株生長及果實產量變化。所得結果獲知,番茄嫁接苗在各土壤水份處理下不論株高、葉面積、單株結果數、果實單果重及乾物重均較未嫁接苗高,特別是土壤含水量20%及湛水處理差異最明顯。顯示番茄嫁接刺茄砧木可提高對土壤水分逆境之抗性。茄子嫁接苗在土壤含水量20%及40%處理下之株高、葉面積參考值、平均單果重及乾物重均較未嫁接苗高。土壤含水量80%及湛水處理下,嫁接苗僅以平均單果重及乾物重較未嫁接苗佳,其餘各項測定值差異較不明顯。上述結果可知,番茄及茄子以刺茄為砧木可提高嫁接苗對土壤乾旱及湛水逆境之抗性,並有助其在水分逆境下生長及結果能力。


番茄 茄子 嫁接 水分逆境


This study was to investigate the plant growth and fruit yields of tomato and eggplant grafted on Solanum torvum rootstock and the nongrafted seedling as the control group, under the different treatments of soil moistures (20%, 40%, 80% and flooding). The results showed that the grafted plants in all treatments of soil moisture had higher plant height, estimated leaf area, numbers of fruit per plant, single fruit weight and dry weight than the non-grafted plants. Especially, the treatments of soil moisture 20% and flooding indicate that their physiological characteristics were significantly different among the other treatments. Upon the treatments of soil moisture 20% and 40%, the grafted eggplant plants had higher plant height, leaf area, single fruit weight and dry weight that the non-grafted plants. The grafted eggplant plants had higher single fruit weight and dry weight than the non-grafted plants under the treatments of soil moisture 80% and flooding, but the other physiological measure values were not significantly different. The result were concluded that eggplant and tomato through Solanum torvum used for rootstock not only enhance resistance to soil drought and flooding stress, but also improve the growth and fruit product competence.


tomato eggplant grafting water stress
