  • 期刊


Dormant Character of Different Actinidia callosa Groups Native in Taiwan


獼猴桃為落葉果樹,中國長江中下游暖溫帶地區為主要原生地,自然分佈到台灣後,部分種類已演化成能適應台灣高溫多濕氣候之特性。硬齒獼猴桃(Actinidia callosa)在台灣的地理分佈上,呈現廣溫性、廣域性分佈的現象,從海拔400m的台東縣達仁鄉壽卡沿線、海拔1200m屏東縣枋寮鄉大漢山麓沿線至海拔1800m的南橫台東縣海端鄉栗園沿線均可見其野生族群的分佈,且3海拔之族群生育狀況均佳,每年均能正常開花結果,生育能力不受海拔影響,惟3族群之物候週期卻因海拔略有不同。栗園族群之種子休眠性最深,需經3週5℃±2℃濕冷層積才有少量種子發芽,隨層積週數增加,種子發芽率也增加;壽卡地區種子休眠性最淺,即使不經層積,也有20%之發芽率,這對適應較熱的氣候而言是必需具備的最基本條件;這種休眠深度與海拔成正相關的現象也反映在冬季休眠的枝條上,呈現海拔越高,休眠越深的狀況,而解除真休眠所需的層積時間也越久,像這樣同種但不同族群間休眠深度與海拔成正相關之性質,或許可為獼猴桃低需冷量育種開創新契機。


硬齒獼猴桃 層積 離體枝條 休眠


Wild Actinidia callosa plants in Taiwan were found in mountains in different elevation from 400 m、1200 m and 1800 m. We found out that these 3 populations could generally grow and bear fruit in their own region, but their dormancy characteristic are quite different. In the experiment, A. callosa seeds collected from low altitude even didn't need stratification, and the germination rate could reach 20%. This mechanism is very important of them to suit much hotter condition in their own region. In the other way, seeds collected from high elevation must be suffered 3 weeks or more cold stratification to break winter dormancy. Similar result happened in excised cane test which dormant shoots collected wildly in November.
