  • 期刊


The Viability of Welsh Onion (Allium fistulosium L.) Seed during Storage


本研究利用40℃、87.2 %RH以人工加速老化北蔥種子2天,以鋁袋及紙袋包裝,貯藏於室溫及8℃,調查種子發芽及測定種子內部成分含量及生理上之變化,以瞭解影響種子壽命之因素。北蔥種子於室溫下經五個月貯藏後,以鋁袋包裝對照組種子與經加速老化處理的種子比較,前者種子發芽率仍維持在78.6%,而以紙袋包裝的北蔥種子,在未處理及老化處理的種子含水量增加至15%以上,發芽率皆明顯下降。二氧化碳釋出量、全可溶性糖、澱粉及游離脂肪酸含量亦有下降情形,於8℃以鋁袋包裝的對照組種子經貯藏五個月,發芽率仍維持在87%,二氧化碳釋出量190 μlCO2/g.hr為顯著最高,種子內的全可溶性糖及澱粉含量顯著較老化者提高7%。種子內的脂肪酸含量方面,於8℃貯藏以鋁袋包裝的對照組種子為顯著最低,亞油酸含量維持在30 mg/g.FW,與種子活力成正相關。種子內的過氧化物及MDA含量,以紙袋包裝貯藏於室溫下的處理與對照兩種子顯著較其他處理高,以鋁袋包裝貯藏於兩種溫度下及於8℃下以紙袋包裝的老化種子含量也較未老化者提高20-30%之間,種子內的SOD、CAT及POD活性均會下降,以鋁袋包裝貯藏於8℃下的酵素活性顯著較其他處理高。


Seeds were acceleratedly aged by 42℃, 82%RH for 2 days, then packaged in aluminum or paper bags were stored at 8℃ or room temperature for five months. Germination of control seeds stored in aluminum bags at room temperature or at 8℃ for five months was 78.6% and 87%, respectively. Total soluble sugar and starch content in control seeds packaged in paper bags and stored at 8℃ were significantly higher than in accelerated seeds. The fatty acid content (especially linoleic acid) in seeds packaged in aluminum bags and stored at 8℃ was significantly lower than in seeds of other treatments. For accelerated aging seeds stored in paper packages for five months, germination, CO2 production, and total soluble sugar, stach and fatty acid contents were significantly lower than in control seeds. Total peroxide and malondialdehyde (MDA) contents in seeds stored in paper package at SOD, CAT and peroxidase activity was reduced. In seed vigour tests, conductivity and the contents of free amino acid, total soluble sugars and potassium ions in the soaking solution of control seeds stored in aluminum package at 8℃ were significantly lower than in accelerated aging seeds stored at room temperature.

