  • 期刊


Application of Polyploidization and 2n gamates in Flower Breeding


多倍體化是植物提昇適應性及物種形成的主要機制之一,植物當中有相當高比例的種類有多倍體化的情形,主要是經過內生多倍體化(或稱體細胞染色體倍增)及2n-配子(又稱未減數配子)雜交的途徑而來。人工誘導多倍體的藥劑,大多使用秋水仙素等抗微管藥劑,效果會受到施用濃度、時間、培殖體形式及藥劑滲透程度而異。而2n 配子的形成則以一氧化二氮具有較佳的誘導效果,利用2n 配子誘導多倍體,可增加多倍體的異質結合性,且染色體重組的機率較高,是極具潛力的多倍體育種方法,本文希望藉由回顧近代花卉作物多倍體育種的相關文獻,以進一步了解多倍體及2n 配子形成的機制與相關應用,將有助於開創花卉育種的新途徑。


Polyploidization is an important mechanism for plants to improve adaptation and speciation. There is a relative high frequency of polyploidization occurred in plants. Polyploidy is mainly induced by two mechanisms: endopolyploidization (somatic doubling) and 2n-gametes (unreduced gametes). As to artificial methods to induce polyploidy, anti-mircrotubule agents, such as colchicines, have been the most widely used, and effective of polyploidy induction depends highly on the concentration, duration, type of explants and penetration. Nitrous oxide (N_2O) treatments have been reported to be an effective way to induce 2n gametes. Due to the higher effectiveness of transmitting heterozygosity and inter-genomic recombination, use of 2n-gametes is a potential way for polyploidy breeding. It could help us to understand the mechanisms of formation and application of polyploidy and 2n-gametes through revewing recent research on breeding for polyploids in flowers. In the forseeable future , polyploidization will goting to opened up an entirely new avenue of flower breeding.
