  • 期刊

Impact of the New Traffic Regulations on Frequency and Morbidity of Drinking Drivers Presenting to the Emergency Department




政府為降低酒醉駕車肇事之傷害,在八十六年一月二十二日修正「道路交通管理處罰條例」,並於八十六年三月一日開始實始,其內容主在加重處罰措施來降低喝酒駕車肇事的比率,本研究主要在過去六個月中從上述條例公佈前後,以問卷方式,以來急診室喝酒而發生車禍患者,依其受傷狀況、創傷程度與預後情形來加以評估,以暸解對法令公佈前後,對喝酒肇事之比率是否有改善。 由收集到之266份有效樣本中可知,受傷者以男性為主佔241例,比女性25例為多,平均年齡為35.07±0.81歲,被送來急診室的時間主要集中在下午四點到隔天早上八點之間,受傷者血清中酒精濃度 (BAC) 主要介於100mg/dl 到 350mg/dl 之間,在受傷部位主要集中在腹部和體表,在統計上,此法令公佈前後各三個月之時間內,車禍人數、來院狀況、處理情況、創傷程度、Glasgow Coma Scale、Injury Severity Score、Revised Trauma Score及預後情形皆無明顯差異,可見此條例幾乎無嚇阻作用,進一步考慮修法是必要的。


喝酒 意外 交通處罰條例 傷害


The government introduced revised traffic regulations on March 1, 1997 that increased the penalty for driving while intoxicated. To see if the rule changes had any impact on our patient population, those drivers with elevated blood alcohol levels presenting to the Changhua Christian Hospital (CCH) surgical emergency department (ED) were identified. We then compared the 3-month period prior to the introduction of the new law and the 3-month period immediately after the introduction. Time of presentation, blood alcohol level, injury location, injury severity, disposition, and prognosis were collected on all patients with elevated blood alcohol levels who were involved in a motor vehicle accident. There were 266 completed data collection forms from 241 males (90.6%) and 25 females (9.4%). The average age was 35.07±0.81 years. The peak time of presentation was from 4pm to 8am, and the blood alcohol concentration (BAC) ranged from 100mg/dl to 350mg/dl. Injuries were primarily to the face (165, 62.2%) or body surface (151, 56.8%). There were no significant differences observed between the two study periods in terms of number of injured drinking drivers, type of injuries, severity of injury, Glasgow Coma Scale (GCS), Injury Severity Score (ISS), Revised Trauma Score (RTS), disposition, or prognosis. The efficacy of the new traffic regulations is not evident from this study. Greater public education, including targeting students; surveillance of blood alcohol levels among accident victims; and enforcement of the new law may be required to curb drinking and driving. A repeat study is recommended in 1-2 years.


alcohol drinking accident traffic regulation injury
