  • 期刊

Hapoдные Песни В Пьесах Островского Начала 50-х Годов

Folk Songs in Ostrovsky's Early 1850s Dramas



奧斯特洛夫斯基在他成爲《莫斯科人》雜誌(The Muscovite)撰稿人時,他的戲劇展現出非常獨特風格,他將成語、諺語、陳詞濫調、神秘的表情、民歌等皆包含在他的戲劇內。在1950年奧斯特洛夫斯基早期的戲劇,慶典禮儀扮演著重要的角色。在他的戲劇«不要坐上另一個男人的雪橇»中,生動地描述了婚禮和招商引資的過程;而«貧窮不是罪»中,更詳細地描述了婚禮和祝福所使用的伴奏歌曲,婚禮的算命板及青年在城鎮裡到處唱歌的風俗等。因此,在1950年奧斯特洛夫斯基早期戲劇中,呈現了彼得大帝以前,古代社會不同階層的各種民俗現象。


Ostrovsky's dramas when he was writing for Moskvitianin (The Muscovite) show distinctive literary styles, idioms, proverbs, clichés, mysterious expressions, folk songs, etc in various ways. Ostrovsky's interest on Russian folk songs and his knowledge that exposes his unique artistry are well reflected on his works. Ostrovsky, how has a talent of creating beautiful expressions, composed Russian folk songs needed for his work by himself, or asked to his acquaintances for composition. In Ostrovsky's early 1950s dramas, ceremonial behaviors play an important role. In his drama <Don't Put Yourself In Another Man's Sledge>, wedding ceremony and matchmaking process are vividly depicted, and in his drama <Poverty Is No Crime>, processes of matchmaking accompanying folk songs related to wedding ceremony and blessing are depicted with more details. Also, wedding ceremony of plate fortune-telling, custom of youths go around the town and sing, etc are depicted in detail. In his drama, < Live Not As You Would Like To>, the role of folk song is reduced as only handful of folk songs appear. Thus, in Ostrovsky's dramas of early 1950s, folk customs shown in the ancient society before Peter the Great are well depicted for each social class


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