  • 期刊


A Research of Impacts on Residential Perceptions by Social Experiences and Nature of Buildings: A Sample of Multistory Apartment Buildings in Taipei City


台灣自60年代開始,由於都市化的快速發展,導致都市人口急遽增加,70年代初期台灣地區的住宅需求之都市問題已成爲政治課題。70年代開始,台北市集合住宅正式邁入高層化,且住棟單元類型與住棟配置型態也趨向多元;除了居住型態的變遷外,也直接導致鄰里關係的改變,同時都市化的結果也影響鄰里間的互動關係,以及對居住環境的滿意程度。此外,由於受個人之社會背景與所居住環境等因素影響,是否直接影響其居住意識,正是本研究欲探討的重點。 因此,本研究企圖從職業社會化之社會經驗的有無,探討居住在台北市之社會人士與大學生,其居住意識的差異性外,並試圖從建築計畫之視點,探討居住在台北市集合住宅之受訪者,其集合住宅之「有無電梯」、「同層戶數」、「社區型及非社區型」等類型與居住意識的相關性。 整體而言,受訪者對鄰居或居住環境的認同感較佳,但對維護居住環境之積極性較差;其中有社會經驗者較無社會經驗之大學生,對居住環境之關心程度較佳。另外,研究中也發現集合住宅之類型、教育程度、住宅的持有與否、是否設有管理員等因素,皆對居住意識有顯著的影響。


The hastened municipalization in Taiwan since the 1960s leads people to gather significantly in cities. In the earlier of 1970s, the demand of dwelling house has begun an issue of city as well as politic. The multistory apartment buildings in Taipei City have been with much height since the 1970s. In addition, the nature and distribution of dwelling units have had much variety. This consequence brings to the extent changes not only in people's living but also in their neighborhood. It also gives an impact on people's interrelation and on people's satisfaction with their residential environment. The main object of this research focuses on whether the differential background and residential environment of each person would affect directly this sort of residential perceptions. This research also seeks not only whether there is any correlation in terms of residential perceptions between society people, who have occupation and social experience in Taipei City, and students in Taipei universities, but also from the viewpoint of architectural planning such as this multistory department buildings ”with lifts or without lifts”, ”how many flats at the same floor” and ”as a community or non-community” to explore any correlation among those buildings, based on the interviewees in Taipei City. In short, the interviewees with the higher recognition to their neighborhood and residential environment have however the lower aggressiveness on protecting their residential environment. Among those interviewees, university students with social experience have more concern on residential environment than those without social experience. This research also discovers that the nature of the buildings as well as the level of education, whether possession of the property, whether having a guarder, all have a significant impact on residential perceptions.


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