  • 期刊


The Impact on Visual Complexity in Websites on the Aesthetic Preferences of Different-Aged Children




This experiment examined children's preferences with respect to perceived visual complexity of self-designed websites. It applied Berlyne's theory of aesthetic preference to these websites: a theory that suggests that individuals prefer stimuli of a medium level to stimuli of a high or low level. The aim of this research was to find out whether third grade and fifth grade aesthetic preferences conform to Berlyne's theory. A 2 x 3 between-subject research design was conducted. In the experiment 51 children (22 third grade, 29 fifth grade) were asked to rate self-designed websites for their aesthetic preferences. The findings showed that there was no significant difference between the visual complexity and aesthetic preference among different age of children, but it showed that there was the interaction between third grade and fifth grade children and different levels of visual complexity. Third grade children preferred websites of a low level of visual complexity to websites of a medium or high level of visual complexity. Fifth grade children preferred websites of a high level of visual complexity to websites of a medium or low level of visual complexity. They also showed that expressive aesthetics judgments were related to age, third grade children gave websites with a low level of visual complexity higher scores than medium and high level of visual complexity. Nevertheless, fifth grade children gave websites with a high level of visual complexity higher scores than medium and low.The findings had implications for web designers working on children's websites as findings suggested that by manipulating visual complexity viewing pleasure can be enhanced or depreciated.


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