  • 學位論文


Effects of Avatar’s Eye Blinking Animation on User's Emotional Responses

指導教授 : 游曉貞


本研究主要目的是探討觀眾對於虛擬角色眨眼頻率及意象感受之間的關聯性。在感性工學之理論架構下,以Takashima, Omori, Yoshimoto, Itoh, Kitamura, & Kishino(2008)虛擬角色眨眼給人之意象研究為基礎,並利用單因子變異數分析實驗所得數據進行實驗設計。研究過程分為三階段進行:第一、實驗準備階段:彙整與虛擬角色有關之感性意象語彙,得到「有個性的」、「善良的」、「勇敢的」、「難過的」、「無聊的」與「緊張的」六組感性語彙作為本研究主要探討之虛擬角色意象分類。並以虛擬角色風格(寫實、卡通)與眨眼頻率(每分鐘9、12、18、24、36次)之變項組合,分別製作共20組的20秒眨眼動畫樣本。第二、實驗進行階段:招募受測者108人(男40人,女68人),年齡階段分別為國小、國中、高中、大學,分批在電腦教室中觀看第一階段完成之20組眨眼動畫樣本;受測者每觀看一組樣本後,立即以七點語意量表針對前述六組感性語彙分別進行其主觀感受的評價。第三、資料分析階段:將第二階段實驗所得數據進行單因子變異數分析,並將顯著結果進行多重比較,以檢視不同虛擬角色風格、眨眼頻率給予受測者意象感受的影響程度,及受測者性別、年齡對於虛擬角色之間的影響差異為何。實驗分析階段完成後,針對虛擬角色風格造型、眨眼頻率給予人之意象感受以前述分類之六組感性語彙進行探討。額外研究探討受測者年齡及性別不同對對虛擬角色意象感受之評估差異,研究結果為下列四點分述: 〈一〉 在六組感性意象中,虛擬角色眨眼頻率僅影響受測者對角色的「緊張」意象判定,且眨眼頻率越高越讓受測者覺得虛擬角色是緊張的。 〈二〉 虛擬角色的設計風格確實對受測者的意象感受產生影響,卡通風格的虛擬角色能喚起受測者較強烈的感受。 〈三〉 受測者年齡對虛擬角色的感性意象判定之影響,僅在「有個性的」、「善良的」、「難過的」、「無聊的」這四個感性維度是顯著的。且相較其他年齡族群,國小階段受測者對虛擬角色的意象感受較為強烈。 〈四〉 受測者性別對虛擬角色的感性意象判定之影響,僅在「勇敢的」、「無聊的」、「有個性的」三個感性維度是顯著的。女性受測者對「勇敢的」與「無聊的」之感受較為強烈;而男性受測者則對「有個性的」之感性意象較為強烈。


This study aims at exploring the connections between the viewer’s perception of avatars and the blink rate of avatars. Based on the theoretic structure of Kansei engineering and the study of Takashima, Omori, Yoshimoto, Itoh, Kitamura, and Kishino (2008), an experimental research is designed and conducted. This study is divided into three parts: First, experiment preparation, which accumulates imagery vocabularies related to avatars, and categorizes six Kansei words that are studied in this research including ‘unique’, ‘friendly’, ‘brave’, ‘sad’, ‘bored’, and ‘nervous’. In addition, 20 sets of 20-second eye blinking animations are produced with the variations of the style of avatars (realistic and cartoon) and its various blink rates (9, 12, 18, 24 and 36 blinks/min). Second, the conduct of the experiment, where 108 participants (40 male, 68 female) are divided by age into elementary school, junior high school, senior high school, and university students. These participants are placed in computer rooms and instructed to view the 20 animation sets. When each participant finishes watching one set of animation, their subjective feelings are evaluated using the seven levels of semantic scale, which evaluates subjective feelings towards the six Kansei words. Third, data is analyzed from the second phase through one-factor ANOVA model, and furthermore multiple comparisons of notable results are conducted in order to inspect the imagery perception and influence to viewers of the styles and blink rate of avatars. Once the experiment is complete, the influence of the style and blink rate of avatars towards viewers are inspected through the previous mentioned six Kansei words. Furthermore, the imagery perception of various avatars by viewer of different age and sex are also inspected, the results are as follows: 1.The blink rate of avatars only effects the viewer’s perception of ‘nervousness’. The higher the avatar’s blinking rate, the more nervous the participants perceive. 2.Cartoon style avatars indeed influence the perception of participants. Cartoon style avatars evoke stronger feelings from participants. 3.Among the evaluation of imagery evaluation of participants, four Kansei words, namely ‘unique’, friendly’, ‘sad’, bored’, are perceived strongest by elementary participants. When compared with older participants, the perception of avatars by elementary participants is stronger. 4.Among evaluation of perception of avatars between different sexes, only three Kansei words are perceived differently. The perception of ‘brave’ and ‘bored’ is stronger among women, while ‘unique’ is stronger among men.


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